Tincture of the hog uterus: application and reviews

Now girls and women appear more and moreproblems related to health. And sometimes they lead to catastrophic consequences. The diagnosis of "infertility" is the most terrible thing that a woman can hear at a doctor's reception. After him

difficult laborious treatment begins, sometimesdragging on for several years. At such moments, in the course, except for modern medicines, are folk medicine - if only there was a positive result and this problem receded. Boron uterus (tincture) is just such a remedy. It has proven itself in the treatment of many female diseases. The naturalness of the drug and the almost complete absence of contraindications make it very attractive, and it is in great demand.

When it is necessary to take the uterus.

The composition of the product includes, of course, grass -borovaya uterus (she is Ortilia lopsided). Depending on the chosen form, it can be an alcohol tincture, water infusion, candles or oil tincture of the borage uterus. It is suitable for the treatment of the genitourinary system and has a number of useful properties: anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, resorptive, antiseptic. Diseases in which the tincture of the bovine uterus is prescribed:

  • infertility;
  • various gynecological diseases, including inflammatory ones (cysts, fibromas, polyps, erosions);
  • adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • recovery of the cycle and with painful periods. Relief of symptoms of menopause;
  • treatment of uterine fibroids, fibromas and fibroadenomas;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • acute, purulent inflammation of the ear;
  • various types of inflammation of the kidneys and bladder (cystitis and urethritis);
  • prostate treatment (for men).

We make the tincture ourselves

Borovaja uterus (infusion of water): 2 tbsp. Spoons of water are poured in 400 ml of boiling water, we insist 2 hours and you can take 1/4 part 4 times a day, this should be done half an hour before meals.

bovine uterus

Alcohol tincture: 50 g of herbs pour 500 ml of vodka (or alcohol, diluted to 40 degrees), we insist in a dry dark place for 3 weeks. We take 3 times a day for an hour before eating 15-30 drops. Now in the pharmacy this herb is sold not only as a tincture, the bovine uterus exists in other forms. You can find tablets, ointments and even tea. There are a number of contraindications to its reception, namely: pregnancy, lactation period, intolerance of the drug components.

Tincture of the hog queen - feedback

Included in the chemical composition of the hog uterusphytohormones normalize the female hormonal background, contributing to conception. In this regard, the greatest number of reviews are available from girls and women, for whom tincture of the hog queen is a remedy that helps to get pregnant. And, surprisingly, after the course of reception, they get it. Especially good it affects those who have no health problems, but they can not get pregnant for quite a long time.

tincture of the horny queen

The bolehole perfectly supports the femalethe body at the time of onset of menopause. Women who are experiencing problems at this very moment are very pleased with the effect: pain and discomfort and even depressive states and irritability caused by hormonal changes recede. The proven effectiveness of the agent for a woman's body makes it possible to highly evaluate this drug.

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