Post-traumatic encephalopathy and encephalopathy in children

What is post-traumatic encephalopathy? This is a violation of the normal rhythm of life, manifested in headaches, dizziness, various sleep disorders, attention disorders, irritability, personality changes and intellectual impairment. All this happens as a result of brain damage after traumatic brain injuries.

Post-traumatic encephalopathy, like allothers, basically it has brain hypoxia and the death of its cells. The disease is detected after passing a magnetic resonance or computer tomography of the brain. During the examination, posttraumatic encephalopathy is detected in the form of focal or diffuse lesions of the gray matter of the brain. And the severity of the symptoms depends on the severity of the injury and the location of the injury.

How to treat encephalopathy? It is possible, after consulting a doctor and an examination, to undergo treatment at home, clearly following all the prescriptions and instructions of the treating doctor. The patient can also be sent to the hospital, where he will be under observation all day long. Usually the course of treatment in a hospital is ten days. Treatment of encephalopathy at home is usually done by taking powders and tablets, rubbing all special creams and ointments into the chest, neck or neck area; in the hospital they put IVs and injections intramuscularly. Also a good effect in the treatment is given by physiotherapy, magneto- or laser therapy, amplipulse, etc. The first improvements can be noticed already on the seventh day of treatment, and a month later - two already felt a surge of strength and the state is noticeably normal.

In general, the timing and methods of treatment of encephalopathydepend on the degree of its severity, the area of ​​brain damage, complications (if they occur) and the patient's attitude, his attitude towards treatment. After all, if you reject the prescribed drugs and just lie in bed, being in a depressed state, then there will be no result.

There is also encephalopathy in newborns,arising as a result of birth trauma or hypoxia. It is quite difficult to pass a child through the birth canal, and even if he did not have signs of hypoxia, some neurological disease that has arisen in the face of difficulties with the appearance of the world may appear. If the fetus suffered from a chronic shortage of oxygen in utero, even in the case of deliveries without complications, the probability of such an unpleasant diagnosis as posttraumatic encephalopathy is high.

How to recognize this disease? Parents should be alerted to the presence of the following symptoms:

  1. Increased or decreased tone of the limbsbaby. Normally, the arms and legs are in a semi-bent state, and straightening them is not difficult, and after straightening they again slightly bend. If you find it difficult or too easy to bend and unbend his knobs when changing clothes or doing exercises with the baby, be sure to show it to the neurologist.
  2. Unbalanced movements. Normally the child moves legs and arms symmetrically.
  3. If the baby often belches or chokes with milk, often greatly bulges his eyes.
  4. Very restless sleep, turns more often in one direction or often shudders. An inadequate response to light or sounds also indicates a malfunction in the baby's nervous system.

The presence of such symptoms requires immediatereferral to specialists for consultation and detection of neurological diseases. The earlier to start treatment, the less damage will be done to the brain and the body of the child. Breast pills are usually prescribed such drugs as "Pantogam", "Asparcum" and "Diakarb", as well as medications that normalize and activate the supply of blood vessels of the baby's baby with oxygen.

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