Does nettles help with menstruation?

Menstruation is often accompanied by a number of not the mostpleasant symptoms. Headaches and discomfort in the abdomen, disruption in the digestive system, decreased performance and mood swings - this set is familiar to many women. What should we do to survive the critical days with minimal losses? Traditional medicine offers many recipes. Effective, for example, nettle with menstruation.

What are the properties of nettles?

Nettle with monthly
Often, the cause of deterioration of health duringmenstrual bleeding is a big blood loss. Observe this phenomenon may be due to poor coagulation. At the same time, the blood composition also deteriorates, there are not enough nutrients in it, liquefaction may occur. Determine bad coagulation can be done on your own - this is a prolonged and profuse menstrual bleeding. Whether it is dangerous, and what to do with copious monthly? This problem can be solved by taking herbal infusions and decoctions. Especially effective nettle - it contains vitamin K, the natural way regulating blood clotting. Also this plant is rich in calcium and an antioxidant - vitamin C. It is for these reasons that nettle with monthly is so useful.

How to use nettle to improve the condition during menstruation?

What to do with copious monthly
For medicinal purposes, freshly squeezed juice is usedmedicinal plants, infusions and decoctions of fresh and dry raw materials, as well as alcohol tinctures. We offer you a variety of recipes that will help in the event that with a month's stomach aches and other characteristic symptoms are observed.

  1. For the preparation of juice, you can use leavesand the stems of the plant, the main thing is that they are fresh. Take the juice before meals, 3-4 times a day. Before use, it must be diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 4, where 1 part is the juice of nettle. At one time, do not take more than one teaspoon.
  2. To prepare the infusion, a fresh ordry nettle. One glass of water should be brewed 2 tablespoons of herbs. Boil the broth for about 5-10 minutes on low heat, after which you need to let it brew for about 30 minutes (you can in the thermos). The resulting glass of ready-made broth should be divided into 3-4 daily meals, drink on an empty stomach.
  3. Nettle will help with menstruation and in the form of alcoholinfusion. To do this, you need fresh grass, one part of which you need to fill with ten parts of vodka. The first day of tincture should be kept in the light, for the next 8 days it should be placed in a dark place. Ready to store the drug in the refrigerator, take before eating 25-35 grams three times a day.

Does nettle have a monthly contraindication?

With monthly stomach aches
With caution to take nettles is worth allpeople who have normal or high rates of blood clotting. Do not also abuse folk recipes based on this plant for those who suffer from heart and vascular disease. It is strictly forbidden to drink funds on the basis of nettle in uterine bleeding, not associated with the menstrual cycle.

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