Computer tomography of the brain: a review of the procedure

Computer tomography of the brain -a diagnostic study that allows you to take pictures of the inside of the head with the help of X-ray beams and computer technology. During the procedure, the patient is put on the table, and the head is placed in a tomograph, which is a large box-shaped machine with a hole in the center. The scanner, as it were, misses the rays in a special way, giving out pictures of the skull (it can tilt to take photos from different positions). Then all images are saved on the computer, and if necessary can be printed.

computed tomography of the brain
Computer tomography of the brain cangive a more complete picture of brain tissues and structures than standard images, thus providing additional information about injuries and diseases. It is held if necessary:

  • determine the cause of confusion, headache and dizziness, paralysis, numbness, which can be evidence of a tumor or brain injury, bleeding in the head, rupture of an aneurysm;
  • find damage caused by a stroke;
  • To check whether the surgical removal or treatment of a brain tumor has been successful;
  • to reveal structural abnormalities of the brain (such as hydrocephalus);
  • to detect thrombi in the brain.

computed tomography of the brain cost
Tomography of the head may be prescribed for othersgoals, for example, to draw up a plan for radiation therapy for brain cancer. Or as a guide for biopsy. Before the procedure, the doctor explains the essence of the patient and suggests asking the questions of interest. Tell the doctor if you have conditions such as pregnancy, allergies to any medication, heart disease, diabetes, kidney problems, asthma!

Computed tomography of the brainoccurs as follows. To begin with, the patient must remove clothing and jewelry that interfere with the procedure. During the study, the head will be immobilized to prevent its movement. The technologist doing the diagnostics will watch her progress all the time. When a computed tomography of the brain is performed, the patient can hear clicks, which is normal. Information obtained as a result of scanning is transferred to the computer, which transforms it into images. Then these images are interpreted by the radiologist.

head tomography

The full results of the study are usually prepared infor several days. But the radiologist can and immediately after the procedure discuss with the patient some aspects that have revealed a computed tomography of the brain. The cost of such diagnostic testing, by the way, is quite acceptable. And it varies from three to six thousand rubles. At the same time, the advantages of CT are undeniable. This painless and accurate method allows you to make very detailed images of the bones and tissues of the brain, as well as to identify bleeding and internal damage as soon as possible. In many cases, this is priceless!

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