Night enuresis: a view from the side

Nocturnal enuresis - involuntary urination inthe period of night sleep. Presented pathology is quite common in childhood, at times seriously complicating the lives of children and their parents. Statistics show that about 15% of children after five years of age show nocturnal enuresis. In this case, the most important medicine is time. As you grow up, the number of children with this ailment is rapidly declining: at the age of 10 years, it occurs in 10% of children, after 17 years it suffers less than one percent.

Nocturnal enuresis: etiology

Most doctors believe that the main reasonenuresis - immaturity of certain spinal and cortical nerve centers, which take part in controlling the process of urination. Just like sleepwalking and night terrors, nocturnal enuresis is most often manifested in a period of deep sleep. Important factor in the development of the disease has a hereditary factor (approximately in 80% of children with enuresis, both parents in childhood also had problems with the abovementioned disease).

Urinary incontinence most oftenrecorded in women. Most elderly women believe that this pathology is associated with age-related "rearrangements" in the body. Sometimes urinary incontinence signals the development of pathological processes occurring in the body. The etiology of senile incontinence is associated with neurological diseases (stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease); weakening the tone of the pelvic floor muscles; other diseases (diabetes mellitus type II, senile dementia, a stroke transferred).

Stressful urinary incontinence - this is not so much andan innocuous phenomenon, as some parents imagine it. The danger lies not in the disease itself, but in the psychological reactions that accompany it. These reactions can be divided into several groups: infringement in the social sphere (difficulties in the camp, guests, sanatoria, etc.); low self-esteem (I'm guilty, I can not do anything with myself, I'm not like everyone else, I'm ashamed); reactions from relatives and parents (punishment, grief, irritation, resentment); contempt from friends and peers (teasing, humiliation, calling, exclusion from group games).

Practical tips for parents:

  • if your child is older than five years, nocturnal enuresis manifests more than twice a month, you should consult a neurologist, undergo urological examination and polysomnography;
  • Do not worry and do not worry, this pathology is almost entirely for children;
  • try to convince yourself and the child that there is no one's fault in the ongoing nightly events;
  • do not punish the child;
  • for three to four hours before bedtime, limit the amount of fluid consumed.

For today, there are many tools that helpsolve this problem (for example, enuresis alarms that wake the baby when the first drops of urine appear, as a result, the child develops a conditioned reflex and begins to wake up independently when the first drops of urine appear). A good result is obtained when conducting auto-trainings and applying behavioral therapy. Medication therapy is used in special cases.

Nocturnal enuresis: treatment

The treatment of enuresis is carried out by neuropathologists andpsychiatrists. Before starting treatment, you should identify the main cause of the disease. The treatment and prophylactic complex includes the following procedures: training in the use of the toilet; Behavioral therapy (this method of treatment is indicated for children with and without mental disorders); pharmacotherapy. The latter is used to alleviate the patient's suffering, if this is not possible with the help of other means. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, hormonal preparations are used, for example, "Desmopressin" (increases reabsorption in the renal tubules); antidepressants - "Amitriptyline", "Melipramine"; psychostimulants - "Sinokarb"; adrenomimetics - "Ephedrine."

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