How to donate blood to hormones correctly?

Any analysis should be taken, respectingcertain conditions. Accordingly, if you decide to test your hormonal background, you should know in advance how to donate blood to hormones correctly to have a complete picture of the body's condition. Most often, such a study is prescribed for women who plan a pregnancy or are already in an interesting situation, as well as for those who have certain problems with the thyroid gland.

how to donate blood to hormones
Accordingly, if you are already quite sureknow that your thyroid gland gives some disruptions in your work, then the hormonal background, signs of violation of which is obvious, will require regular testing. The assay is carried out in a specialized laboratory, where blood is taken from the vein.

Get directions for this type of researchit is necessary for the attending physician, depending on the direction of the suspected ailment. For example, if it is a question of how to donate blood to sex hormones, then the direction in this case will be a gynecologist.

how to donate blood
Of course, it is the doctor who will tell somethe moments, in particular, which hormones should be checked in order to identify the reason for not being able to conceive or detect the presence of a tumor. In this case, the doctor should also tell how to donate blood, so that the research is as accurate and informative as possible. In this case, each patient has the right to choose for himself that medical center for the analysis, which will be most pleasing to him. Before deciding to learn how to donate blood to hormones, you should note that such tests are usually paid. Some regional polyclinics do not have specialized equipment for carrying out such research. Usually the cost is taken from the calculation of the concentration in the blood of one name of the hormone. The name itself and the total number of required indicators should also be prompted by a doctor who directs such an analysis.
hormonal background signs of impairment

Regardless of the direction of the survey,there is a single scheme that will tell you how to donate blood to hormones correctly. First, it is necessary to take the analysis in the morning, when the body is stronger after sleep and has the maximum concentration of substances in the blood. The next, and the most important, point is that this kind of research should be done only on an empty stomach. Even drunk in the morning a cup of coffee can show an increased concentration of a hormone, especially significant is in the case of testing the thyroid gland, as well as determining the state of the sexual sphere. It should also be noted that the study of blood for the maintenance of certain substances should be carried out by women on clearly marked days of the cycle, while analysis made during menstrual bleeding is not too informative. Before the survey should be on maximum to give up heavy food, as well as forget about the time of alcohol and smoking.

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