Bread with bran is delicious and healthy

People who watch their shape and health,have long known about the beneficial properties of bran. This natural product helps purify the body and saturates it with useful vitamins and minerals. That is why in our time most people prefer plain white bread to bread with bran. Its useful properties have been known for a long time. In the time of tsarist Russia, such bread was given to soldiers. Higher ranks ate more privileged types of white bread. And when the officers were tormented by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the soldiers felt great. Then it became clear that bread, which is more useful for the organism, is bread with bran.

Its use is concluded in a whole complex of vitamins,such as H, PP, B1, D, C, E and other elements. It helps to remove toxins from the body, promotes rapid satiation and suppression of appetite. In addition, thanks to the content of bran in the bread, the body receives the necessary portion of iron. White bread made from refined flour, most often whitened by mechanical means and therefore not of particular benefit to the body, far to such an excellent product as bread with bran. To understand why this happens, you need to consider the process of production of flour. It is made from grains, in which all the benefits are laid. When the grain is crushed, some of its useful properties are lost and very few remain when making fine flour. It is estimated that flour of higher grades loses more than eighty percent of its original useful composition, namely that part of the grains, which are called bran.

Valuable substances for the body, such ascellulose, pectin and lignin, as well as the grain center (embryo), rich in vitamins E, B and trace elements, remain unchanged in the production of bran bread. Its use has the most positive effect on the nervous system, gives calmness and balance, relieves depression, relieves stress. Especially recommended bread with bran to people who are overweight, having problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Experts recommend using bran during pregnancy to get rid of problems with the intestines that arise during this period, and to lower the level of cholesterol in the body. This bread is very useful for patients with oncological diseases and diabetics, as bran helps slow down the process of starch digestion.

Its main advantage is the content in thebran of dietary fiber, which improve the whole intestinal microflora and regulate metabolism. Many countries have long appreciated all the useful properties of such a product as bread with bran. In its mass production, the share of bran in bread reaches twenty-five percent. Unfortunately, in Russia, to date, there are not many varieties of this healthy product, but, if desired, you can always buy cereal, sports or malt bread from wholemeal. Bread with bran is produced with the addition of raisins, prunes, sunflower seeds and other useful ingredients. But do not confuse it with plain gray bread, which some dishonest producers give out for bread with bran. Its use for the body is small, since it is unlikely that it has bran, and its production comes from low-grade flour. In order to determine the real oatmeal bread, it is necessary to breathe in its aroma, which can not be confused with any other. It is bright and saturated, and with a cut well visible inclusions of yellowish and light brown color. This is bran. The bread itself is a natural grayish color. It is this bread that will become an excellent alternative to the usual white bread for people who are watching their health and nutrition.

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