How to raise testosterone levels in the blood in natural ways?

Testosterone is a sex hormone,produced in men in testicles and, in a smaller proportion, in the adrenal cortex. The development of testosterone is necessary for the development of sexual characteristics (the formation of genital organs, hair growth, thickening of the vocal cords, the creation of an attraction, the formation of an erection, sperm), bone development, muscle growth and mood improvement. The more this hormone is contained in the blood, the faster the muscle mass is accumulated. How to raise the level of testosterone in men without the use of any drugs and nutritional supplements, and will be discussed in this short article.

It is only natural that the question is how to raisetestosterone levels in the blood, excites many men. Maintaining the right amount of testosterone in the blood can be both natural and artificial. Recently, the phenomenon of the artificial injection of testosterone propionate into the blood, associated with the desire to build muscle mass in the shortest time, has become quite common. On the negative side of the artificial introduction of testosterone into the blood, we'll talk at the conclusion of the article, but for now let us turn to the natural ways of stimulating its production.

Healthy lifestyle

Do not know how to raise testosterone levelssafe ways? Proper nutrition, normal mode of the day, regular sex, frequent outdoor recreation, sleep at least 8 hours a day, sports exercises - all this can improve the situation with the natural production of the "hormone winner."

Refusal of alcohol

Try to refrain from drinking alcohol. Of all alcoholic beverages, only dry red wine in moderate doses favors the production of testosterone. The rest lead to a hormonal imbalance in the body and a decrease in the production of the male hormone.

Protein intake in combination with fast-digestible carbohydrates after training

In the context of the issue of muscle mass growth,Use not only tips on how to raise testosterone levels, but also take into account the individual ability of the muscles to absorb it. The ability to assimilate testosterone for each individual muscle cell depends on its number of hormonal receptors. Their number can be increased, and for this purpose, 40 grams of proteins combined with 100 g of carbohydrates (for example, immediately after training - a bun with fruit jam) is perfect. Under the influence of this combination, tired muscles are able to assimilate a large number of testosterone. The key factor in this is the state of intensive energy metabolism after training. This method is extremely effective even in the presence of protein deficiency in the daily diet.

Consequences of artificial increase in testosterone

Knowing that this hormone takes one of thethe main part in the growth of muscles, some choose the extreme way of artificial administration of testosterone propionate or drugs on its basis. The results of such risky experiments can be unpredictable and very deplorable. Acne, baldness, oily skin, development of gynecomastia, impotence, loss of muscle relief - this is far from a complete list of the consequences of the administration of propionate, which in the body can easily pass into estrogen. In addition, it should be remembered that when entering testosterone from the outside, the body reduces its production in a natural way. The use of any hormonal drugs should be strictly coordinated with the doctor. Uncontrolled input of testosterone to increase muscle mass will cause irreparable harm to health.

The question of how to raise testosterone levels whensteroid help, disappears immediately, because the dilemma of "muscle or health" is initially absurd in its essence. If you have long sat down on the reception of testosterone and steroids, then when you try to throw all the accumulated muscle mass can go to "no" in the shortest time. So, if you need to raise the testosterone level, - choose natural methods!

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