A differentiated credit is ... How is a differentiated credit carried out?

In higher education there are different wayscontrol and verification of students' knowledge. It's not just exams and tests. There is also such a thing as a differentiated credit for discipline. What it is, how it is conducted and how it differs from other forms of knowledge control - this will be discussed later.

differentiated credit is


Initially, it is necessary to understand the terminology, withwhich will have to face. So, the differential classification is one of the forms of verification of the material learned by the student. It should be noted that this form of control is also suitable for assessing the passage of production and training practices. If to speak in the simplest words, then the differentiated offset is the same offset, but only as a result of which an evaluation is made.

For example, if the outcome of the discipline followsthe student can get two grades: "h" - when the teacher notes that the material is learned and "n / a" - when the lecturer is dissatisfied with the knowledge that the student received during the study of the discipline. The whole point of credit is that if the student's knowledge is not different, but are within the limits of the norm, then he can get the mark "h". A differentiated set-off is the presentation by the teacher of a full-fledged evaluation for the knowledge gained by the student.

differential discipline

The notion of intermediate certification

It should be noted that the deflation relates to one of theforms of intermediate certification. Its essence is to test the students' assimilation of the received material. In addition to deflation, there are other forms of control, such as exams or tests. It is believed that the best form of intermediate certification is written control, because it is considered the most objective and comprehensive verification of the knowledge stated.

About the norms

It is also important to note that all forms of controlshould be regulated by the basic curriculum. This is the main document according to which any department works. This is a kind of curriculum, a timetable that contains information about which semester a certain discipline will be studied, how many hours it takes, which distribution between lecture, seminar and other types of activities is envisaged. Also, the curriculum prescribes the form of control that follows after the completion of the training course.

Diffuse and intermediate certification

I also want to note that the differentiatedA set-off can also be a form of intermediate certification within one discipline. So, for example, the annual discipline "History" after the end of the first semester can be completed by a diffusion, and at the end of the whole course - a year later - an exam. However, the form of control under consideration can also be independent, finite.

differentiated credit per mdk

The purpose of carrying out the deflation

Realizing that the differential offset is a form of intermediate certification, I want to also consider the objectives of its conduct. There are several of them:

  • First of all, it is important, of course, to assess the level of the student's acquired material.
  • To understand how much the student has learned the theoretical part, does he have an idea of ​​the practical side of it (if the discipline implies this)?
  • Make sure that the student has a developed imaginative and creative thinking, which is simply necessary in the study of certain disciplines.
  • And, of course, it is necessary to understand whether a student can synthesize knowledge and transform it for application in practice.

Who takes the deflation?

Be sure to talk about all the nuances,which are important to take into account if there is a differentiated credit for MDC. First of all, it is necessary to understand that the teacher who "read" the course will be the one who accepts the deficit. This can be both a lecturer and a teacher who conducted practical (seminar) classes. This is best, because the teacher sees which of the students and how he worked during the time allotted for the study of discipline.

Who is allowed to pass the deflation?

If the student has a differentiated crediton history or other discipline, it is necessary to understand that it is still necessary to receive the so-called admission. What is it? For example, if the student did not go for a whole semester for a couple, and even more so did not pass test papers or abstracts, he will not have the admission exactly. In what cases can it be obtained? If all control lines and tasks provided for not only by the rating system, but also by the working plan of a certain discipline will be handed over.

differential history offset

Criteria for evaluation

The conduct of a differentiated credit is completedan assessment of the student, according to his knowledge. The scoring scale is almost always the same as when passing the exams. That is, the teacher has the right to put the student "5" - excellent, "4" - good, etc., up to "2" - which means unsatisfactory. However, it should be noted that some departments also differentiate offset in the form of letters "z" - offset, or "n / z" - that is, not enough (which, incidentally, is very rare). The evaluation form should be prescribed in the Regulations on current and boundary controls, which are made up of each department separately.

Forms of delivery

Diffuse can be delivered in two forms:oral and written. In the first case, the teacher must announce the evaluation on the day of the surrender. In the second - the evaluation can be announced and after a certain time, which may be required to check the works written by students. It is important: the evaluation must be announced before the day the statement is sent to the dean's office, so that if necessary, it can be challenged or clarified.

If the student does not appear

It happens that the student is not for surrenderdifferentiated offset. In this case, the note is marked "n / a", which means "did not show up." The same mark can be entered in the event that the student wishes to get on peresdachu. However, this should be spelled out in the above-mentioned Regulation.


About the statements

It should also be noted that there are two types of statements.

  1. Test-examination.Where are all the grades based on the results of the intermediate certification. She surrenders to the dean's office. After that, correction or addition to it is impossible. It is important: the student should know with which mark he went to the dean's office.
  2. Score-rating, which registers the number of points that the student received during the delivery of the interim control.

How does the deflate pass

Very often students are interested in howpasses a differentiated credit in mathematics or another discipline. Especially if it is the first time to take it. Everything is simple. Everything goes according to the principle of usual offset. But the only difference is that as a result, the student will receive an assessment, and not just a "z" or "n / a" mark. If the written defiance is written, all the students will be in the audience together. Each of them will choose a ticket for himself, whose questions will have to be answered in writing. If the oral diffusion, then students will enter the audience one by one or several people. The ticket with questions also stretches, followed by the time allotted for preparation, followed by the presentation of the material to the teacher. It is believed that a written form of control makes it possible to avoid the subjective attitude of the teacher to the student. And oral allows to understand how deeply and qualitatively the student has learned the proposed material.

differentiated credit in mathematics

Is evaluation important?

If, for example, the study of the discipline is completed"Physics", differential graduation shows the level of knowledge obtained by the student. But why put an appraisal if you can just get a "Z"? So, it is important to understand that this mark will be taken into account during the calculation of all "excellent" and "good" for obtaining a diploma with distinction. That is, we must understand that the triple by diffusion can significantly spoil the picture.

About retake before receiving a diploma

In some cases, the student has the rightretake the deficit if he claims, for example, a diploma with distinction. However, this is not an easy procedure, which involves a preliminary petition of the dean of the faculty or the head of the department. Basically, management allows you to retake not more than a couple of ratings for rating upgrades. However, all these nuances should be spelled out in the Regulations.

About Practice

Difzachetom, basically, all types endstudent practices: production and training. In this case, the mark must be exhibited before the beginning of the qualification exam. The mark is put complex: both the assimilation of the theoretical and practical side.

physics differential grading

Important nuances

If the student is ill or otherwise respectfulreasons missed the delivery of the deflation, its session can be extended. Alternative: Individual deadlines for passing the interim certification can be established. This is all done by the decree of the faculty.

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