The concept is the key to scientific research

In preparation for the thesis of the Doctor of Science fromthe doctoral candidate is required in the abstract not only to clearly describe the methodological apparatus of research, but also to formulate the concept of research, in which it is necessary to describe the essence of the work logically and consistently, its novelty, approaches to solving the tasks posed.

The concept is the overall design of the work, its mainidea or a set of several scientific ideas, which will then be presented to the defense. The doctoral thesis is a fairly voluminous work of the scientist, in which both theoretical novelty and practicality are presented. Preparation and writing of the dissertation, its coverage in scientific peer-reviewed journals takes several years, so the scientific concept is developed by the thesis at the very first stages of work on the topic in order to clearly represent the way of further research. In the process of work on the thesis, some hypothetical provisions can be refuted by the author, and the methods or conditions of the research change, so you need to change the content of the concept, make it a logically completed text, unlike the working version that was developed earlier.

A doctoral student can write his work independentlyor have a scientific adviser who already has a doctorate in this field of scientific knowledge. The consultant can explain what the concept is, how its working and final version is drawn up. It is important that the doctoral student learns to think conceptually, see the content of his dissertation in perspective and be able to any other scientific opponent to conceptually state the essence of his work or its individual chapters.

In any scientific concept should be reflectedpersonally significant author's idea, that is, for a thesis the concept is a certain way of understanding and presenting the subject of research, the leading idea for covering the phenomenon or process being studied. In carrying out a practical study that is carried out not so much by the dissertator himself as by other performers under his leadership, one must also be able to clearly convey the basic idea of ​​his innovation, otherwise the process of research can be carried out in different ways and the results will not be reliable.

The concept is not just a summarythesis, and a demonstrative and understandable text that reflects the problem of modern science and its way of solving this problem. With the help of the scientific concept it is possible to demonstrate the feature and uniqueness of its work in comparison with dissertations close on the topic. Thus, it allows us to show the "gain" of knowledge in the field under investigation. If for dissertations for the degree of candidate of science only an oral presentation of the concept is required, then in doctoral theses the concept is the key to understanding what methods and means the author solves the tasks, what results he receives and how relevant it is for modern modernization of education, technical science or medicine .

If a doctorate is obtainedon the totality of scientific works in peer-reviewed journals and on the texts of monographs, then the entire abstract is the author's concept presented abstractly. The applicant's report in the defense of the thesis can be presented in the form of a detailed concept with explanations, illustrations and summaries. But most often the concept is a system of interrelated and consequent views on the phenomena and processes that are studied, which are summarized by the dissertator in the methodology section. If the idea is presented in a capacious, brief and logical way, reviewers and opponents have the opportunity to see the whole essence of the work exactly as the author himself sees, without distortion.

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