Composition on the "Auditor": why this comedy did not like the officials in due time?

Composition on the "Inspector" N.V. Gogol is compulsory in the school curriculum. This comedy was the reason for discussions among representatives of the bureaucracy who found it offensive. Indeed, Gogol very vividly and vividly depicted the society of that era. Bribery, corruption, sycophancy - all this is typical of the modern way of life, so the essay on "The Inspector General" continues to write all the students.

Peculiarity of the play

NV Gogol was one of those few who understood the life of the Russian people, who was uneasy among officials who did not care about him at all. Unlike the capital and large cities, the most depressing things were in the outback. But few people raised the question of how people live in the province. Therefore, Gogol chose the place of action a small town.

composition auditor


In the essay on the "Auditor" should be surebriefly tell about the content of the play. And it is quite simple: a person who occupies a low position in the capital's society, is traveling on provinces. Arriving in an unfamiliar city without money, he gets the most terrible hotel room. At this time, the hotel dine influential city officials.

The mayor comes a message that inhis city is traveling auditor. He is also told that a man from the capital has been living in the hotel for some time. And everyone decided that he was an auditor. Khlestakov uses this error: he takes money, seduces the wife and daughter of the boss, deceives everyone, and then leaves on time with all the good, leaving the officials with nothing. And right after him comes the real auditor.

essay on the subject of the auditor

In the essay on the "Inspector" it is important to write thatthe author did not seek to portray specific personalities. And the fact that some officials were outraged more than others showed that the play had reached its goal - to show life and structure in provincial cities. The essay on "The Inspector General" is an excellent way to motivate people to think about the play, its relevance in modern society.

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