Verbal methods of teaching in primary and secondary schools

The history of the formation of teaching methods is sufficientis unique, scientists have long paid attention to the diversity of types of teaching activities in the learning process. Subsequently, these species were given the name "methods", which in Greek means means of progressing to the truth. Pedagogical practice is a method, as an ordered way of activities to achieve certain educational and educational goals. The weighty difference between the methods of the teaching activity of the teacher (teaching) and the methods of the student's educational activity (teaching) does not prevent them from being among themselves in constant interaction. Thus, teaching methods are ways of joint creative activity of teachers and students aimed at solving set tasks.

A particular aspect of the training method is the admissiontraining, while individual techniques can be an integral part of various methods. In the learning process, techniques and methods are used in a variety of combinations. The same methods of activity in some cases can act as independent methods, and in others - as methods of training. Conversation and explanation are independent methods, but if they are used by the teacher to attract students in the course of practical work, they are considered as teaching methods. As many psychologists say, along with other methods, verbal methods of instruction are most popular.

Verbal teaching methods are considered one of theleading types of teaching and teaching activities, it is widely used in the teaching of subjects for high school students. In this regard, scientists have been set a clear goal of research - how to most effectively use similar methods of teaching in primary school. The most urgent tasks in such studies are the disclosure of the essence of the concept of "teaching methods", the consideration of various approaches to the conditions of their use and the disclosure of techniques for using similar methods of instruction in junior classes.

Undoubtedly, the method of training should bedefinite and clear, then the teacher will clearly understand what tasks have been accomplished with the help of this method, and which ones can not be solved. The systematic nature of teaching methods, to some extent, determines their effectiveness, but the main requirement for achieving the task at hand is accessibility. The task should be understandable to the level of development of the student, and the methods of submitting the educational material should correspond to his age features.

It has long been known that the word activatesmemory, imagination and feelings of students, probably therefore, verbal methods of learning are of the following types: story, explanation, discussion, lecture, conversation, work with a book, narrative. The story, as a method of presenting new knowledge, usually provides an ideological and moral direction and contains only reliable proven facts. As a rule, the story includes a sufficient number of convincing and vivid examples and facts that prove the competence of the judgments put forward. The explanation is a form of the text presentation in the form of a monologue and a verbal interpretation of the laws, individual phenomena and concepts. Most often, the explanation is used in the study of physical, chemical and mathematical problems, with the disclosure of the true causes in public life and the most diverse phenomena of nature.

Verbal teaching methods are an inalienablepart of modern life, and their application in various areas once again proves this. Many well-known firms apply in practice such forms and methods of personnel training and achieve considerable success. That is why the verbal methods of developing learning will always remain an integral part of modern science.

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