Origin of the name Pavlov: biblical origins, meaning of the surname, noble roots

The origin of the name Pavlov is interesting alreadybecause it is quite common in the territory of Russia and neighboring countries. The popularity of this name leads to the second ten of a huge list of common hereditary (generic) names. This name was worn by well-known noble families, representatives of the middle class, and numerous peasant and working families. So what do we know about the Pavlovians? How did this name come about?

Biblical Origins of Origin

Most often the origin of the name Pavlov is associatedwith the name of the apostle Paul. His messages are considered one of the most important texts in Christian theology and constitute a significant part of the New Testament. This weighty and revered biblical personality is mentioned repeatedly in the saints. That is why many Christians received the baptized name of Paul, from whom the hereditary name Pavlov was later formed.

the origin of the surname of the paul

The meaning of the name

Origin of the name Pavlov can be right thereis associated with the meaning of the name Paul. It has Greek origins, means "small" or "small." But, as you know, a small seed can give rise to a mighty tree. So here, Paul could be a patriarch of many kinds, and the whole family received the name of Pavlov.

One of the mechanisms for the formation of surnames

The names of different peoples were formeddifferently. For example, some countries form complex surnames from several parts that combine the surname of the father and mother. One of the mechanisms for the formation of surnames in Rus is also based on a relative relationship. But it does not reflect the name, but the father's name. Thus, the surname Pavlov, whose origin is considered here, can be represented as follows: Pavel → Pavlov's son.

surname Pavlov origin

Toponymic formation of the surname

The history of the origin of the name Pavlov may beis connected with the name of the settlement, from which there was a stranger, settled in a new place. And since in Russia a lot of cities, towns and villages, in the name of which the name Paul appears, there are quite a lot of "settlers" of the Pavlovs. Examples of such cities and settlements are Pavlovsky Posad, Pavlovsk, Pavlovo and so on.

With this data, you can more accurately know howthe generic name Pavlov was formed. The origin can be explained as follows: the first representative of each ramified family of Pavlovs was either the son of Paul, that is, Pavlovitch by patronymic, or he once lived in a place whose name is based on that name.

surname of the pavilions origin and meaning

The nobles of Pavlov - who are they?

In noble births, find out the origin of the family namePavlov is much simpler. To know tried to collect accurate archival information about many generations of his family. As you understand, Pavlov's commoners were most often mentioned only in registration or church books, whereas the history of noble families was recorded in the most detailed manner.

One of the old records tells about the ancientnoble family Pavlovs, whose ancestor was the descendant of the famous Tatar warrior Oslan-Murza Chelebey. The Tatar was baptized in Rus at the end of the XIV century by the name of Procopius. Celebey took as his wife the daughter of Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Five sons were born in the family, one of whom was called Paul. He founded the ancient noble family of the Pavlovs.

The noble families of the Pavlovs, who servedvoevoda in different places. Mention of them belong to the XVI-XVII centuries. They were granted noble titles for significant public merit. Mention of public officials of the Pavlovs, who were granted noble titles, is quite common. It is believed that there are more than 80 such genera, but this information is not definitive.

history of the origin of the surname of the paul

Surname Pavlov in history

Surname Pavlov, the origin and significance of whichhere it was considered, left its mark in history. For example, the Russian physiologist Pavlov Ivan Petrovich is known for his work to the whole world. Moreover, he is a Nobel laureate. Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova conquered the scenes of several continents.

Left his mark and Jacob Pavlov, whocommanded the assault team during the Battle of Stalingrad. The group repulsed the four-story house from the enemy and held him for 58 days under heavy fire. "Pavlov's House" became a symbol of fortitude and courage, and Sergeant Yakov P. Pavlov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

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