Fur coat from rex - a worthy replacement for chinchilla

In recent years, more women are giving awaypreference for sheepskin coats, fur coats and cloaks made from the fur of the rex, which visually resembles the chinchilla. Previously, sellers of fur products sought to come up with a "pseudonym" for him, calling him a royal chinchilla or rabbit chinchilla. Now there is no such need. Elite fur salons, who value their reputation, call things by their own names. True, in the markets the fur coat from the Rex is still quite often sold at "chinchilla" prices, in other words, several times more expensive than the real cost.

fur coat from rex
Rex's fur is velvety and soft. It's very light. A delicate, silvery-gray color can not leave even the most experienced connoisseur of furs indifferent.

In the twenties of the last century in Germany began to breed rabbits of Rex. Today, they are successfully reproducing in Spain (these skins are more expensive) and China.

Earlier export of rex from the territory of Germanywas forbidden, but a biologist from the Soviet Union Serebrovsky, returning from a business trip, transported a rex crossing the border crossed with a breed not banned from export. These animals did not resemble those that could not be exported from the country. Already in the second generation they showed all the characteristic signs of the Rex.

fur coats from rex in moscow

The fur of these rabbits is characterized by a multitudemerits. It is truly luxurious. The fur coat from rex has a bright shine, silky, thick and soft fur. It is really very difficult to distinguish it from the "chinchilla" variant. Sometimes it can only be done by a specialist.

Rex fur has almost always one length - aboutone and a half to two centimeters. This is what distinguishes it from the skins of other rabbit breeds, in which the villi are of different lengths. The natural color of the rex is black and blue. Its density depends on the place of breeding of the animal. The universally recognized world leader is Germany.

rabbit rex coat coats photos prices
Fur coat from reks requires a lot of attention whenbuying. It is necessary to pay special attention to its quality. Choose the product in good daylight. Check if there are deep "folds" on the fur. Quality goods shine, and the leather fabric is plastic. A product made of poor-quality fur produces a characteristic rustling sound. Draw a wet hand over the surface of the fur coat. If there are no wool left on the arm, it means that you have a quality product in front of you.

Fur coats from the Rex in Moscow to buy quite simply. This can be done on all clothing markets. But remember that there you can buy a fake, perhaps, and quite high-quality. Therefore, it is better to make such a purchase in the big fur salons, which are now numerous in the capital. In addition, in a large store you can get a guarantee and a certificate for a purchase.

Today you have learned a little bit thatrepresents a remarkable animal - a rabbit rex. Fur coats (photos, prices on them you can find in the catalogs of large fur salons) everyone will like it. You can choose a model of any style, length, quality. And if you want to place an order for a favorite sample from the manufacturer. Worth a fur coat from the rex from 30 to 70 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the fur, the manufacturer, the size, as well as the country in which you plan to make a purchase.

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