ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE: What is this error and how to fix it?

Windows-system, as noted by manyusers, are not immune from errors. One of these is the receipt and notification type ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE. What this error is, not everyone knows. But you can completely eliminate the problem. It is enough to follow the instructions below, which, by the way, can be useful in other cases when the operating system refuses to work.

ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE: what is this error?

The nature of the failure is that an error occursrequest to the server from the user terminal. If you look at the most common translation of the term, you can figure out that this is an internal problem.

err insecure response what is this error

At least this is evidenced by INSECURE,which is exclusively an internal security service. The fact that it does not respond signals the word RESPONSE. Thus, an error message is displayed indicating the line ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE. What this error is, more or less clear. Now let's see how to fix it.

Failure and the main reasons for its appearance

It is believed that the main reason for the occurrence of such a problem is the main one is to use a half-duplex connection in the network, when communication is carried out, so to speak, over the TCP protocol.

err insecure response how to fix the error

On the other hand, if you have a dedicatedhosting, the browser can also block the entrance to it. This is due to an invalid certificate. But the biggest problem is that the user PC can be blocked in the absence of such a certificate.

ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE: how to fix the error?

Now directly on how to fix the problem. Consider the action algorithm for the example of the Yandex browser. For it, you need to run the Certificate Import Wizard.

err insecure response what is this error

After that, you will need to use the functionsave the file in the CRT format (by default, you are offered saving to the "Desktop"). Then you just need to reload the page. The certificate will be attached automatically.

err insecure response how to fix the error

But even here the solution proposed above can nothelp, and the problem appears again as an ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE message. What is this error in this case? A failure can be associated with the certificate validation service in Windows. But it's worth it to turn it off. This is done simply. However, when the service itself and the process associated with it are terminated, it is desirable to use the "Task Manager", which terminates the work of all applications that are related to the main service in one way or another. Of course, you can use both the command line and Windows shell to deactivate all these processes, but this is not necessary, although this method looks much more preferable.

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