In a difficult situation, working off when you leave at will will allow you to change your place of work

Life often presents a personunexpected surprises - and only some of them have a positive background. For example, sometimes when climbing the career ladder there is such a difficult situation that the employee begins to think about the possible dismissal. In this case useful information about the order of dismissal at will is useful.

Retirement at self-will

An employee can declare histhe desire to quit on any day. The application must be in writing. In this case, it will be necessary to work out 14 days from the date of registration of the application, if dismissal without working out for two weeks is not grounded in the form of valid reasons, among which:

- personal agreement with the immediate supervisor;

- change of place of residence;

- the transfer of one of the spouses due to a change in the place of work;

- state of health (must be confirmed by a document from a medical facility);

- Pregnancy or the presence of children whose age category has not yet crossed the threshold of three years;

- caring for a child or relative having health restrictions (availability of a medical certificate);

- a new job placement (with appropriate confirmation from the new management).

Therefore, with a great desire and need, you can find a suitable reason that will avoid such a loss of precious time, like working off when you leave at will.

Dismissal without working for two weeks

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there are articles thatregulate the relationship between the employee and the head. For each individual case, a certain article may come-either 77 or 78 or 80. But if necessary, the employee can terminate the employment contract and write the application two weeks before the known date of dismissal, then working off at the dismissal of his own will become optional.

At the written request of the employee, the unused vacation period may be included on working days, and the last day of leave will be the day of dismissal.

An employee can rely onlegislative acts that protect his rights. In order for the entire dismissal procedure to take place legally, the employee needs to have patience and patience to help find a good-bye with an ambitious boss, because the labor code will make it possible to leave without working off. It is likely that the established contact with the head will allow to leave without working out, which will be confirmed by the date on the application, coinciding with the date of the future dismissal.

Labor Code dismissal without work
But if the employee is temporarily disabled in communicationwith the arising disease, working off at dismissal at own will can lose the urgency. Then the dismissal date will be the date indicated in the application in absentia, but the sick leave will be paid in full.

At dismissal the worker receives on hands the labora book with a recording of a personnel officer on dismissal, as well as estimated material assets, the amount of which includes wages for the worked-out period, payment for unused vacation days.

But if the leader at this stage continuesto test the nervous system of the worker for strength and insists that working off at dismissal at will is mandatory, the court can resolve the conflict. In fact, bosses rarely allow themselves a lengthy litigation with a former employee and release him in peace.

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