Compositional and semantic analysis of Yesenin's poem "Birch"

Yesenin was 18 years old when he lefthis village, in order to try his luck in the big city. Like a magician, he animates the reader in the imagination of the beauty of familiar things. Folklore and expressiveness - that's what is attractive in the poem "Birch". It, like a Russian folk song, fills the soul with warmth and light. The poem "Birch" Sergei Alexandrovich wrote in 1913, even before the tragic events in the Russian Empire, which radically influenced the policy of the state. Along with many other poems about nature, it refers to the early creation of the poet. In his youth, his attention was mostly focused on the peasant landscape.

Yesenin analysis of the poem

A brief compositional analysis of Esenin's poem:

"Birch" is one of those verses in which it is clearyou can see that his composition is based on the description of nature. It consists of four quatrains. The first includes the main meaning of the poetic work: in it the writer opens the source of his inspiration to the reader. The main compositional device is the personification. In addition, the analysis of Esenin's poem points to the absence of development of the plot, the culmination and the denouement. This work can be reliably attributed to the landscape genre.

analysis of the poem of Esenin birch

A short rhythmic analysis of Esenin's poemgives a general idea of ​​its form. The structure in which three forms of syllabo-tonic versification are incorporated are playfulness and lightness: monosyllabic chorea, five-legged iambic meter and disyllabic dactyl. Female and male rhyme constantly alternates between each other, with the first line ending with a feminine rhyme, and the last ending with a male rhyme. Throughout the verse Esenin used the same rhyme, which is called "single": it only rhymes with the second and last lines of the quatrains (ABCD). A brief phonetic analysis of Esenin's poem: in large numbers there are long vowels, in particular about and e, and sonorous consonants Mr. and R. Due to this, intonation at reading aloud turns tender and gentle. Yesenin's style is full of sensual experiences, instantly filling the imagination of the reader with eloquent images.

analysis of the poem of Esenin

Semantic analysis of the poem:

Yesenin, although attracted to the city life, but inhe remained faithful to the beauty of the Russian heartland and, yearning for the sceneries of the small country, wrote many lyrical poems on this subject. So this short, but from no less beautiful, work theme is nature. The main role in the creation of the poetic image is played by the attitude towards the birch tree of the lyrical hero, with whom Yesenin himself associated himself. An analysis of the poem and the impressions that it evokes reveal to the reader the youth, lightness and romance of the author. At first glance, the name of the poem "Birch" is simple and uncomplicated, but it embodies the deep affection of the poet. To chant our native birch tree is a whole tradition of oral folk art. It is for Yesenin - it's not just a tree: it's a symbol of Russia. In addition, in his poems the author repeatedly compared the image of his beloved woman to this truly Russian tree. Love for Russia itself was Yesenin's unique talent, because this feeling is the only thing that can give a poet immortal fame.

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