Fast and simple garnish, or How to cook pasta in a multivark?

Multivarka - a universal tool forcooking delicious and healthy dishes, simplifying the work of housewives and saving time. For the multivariate, the impossible is practically nonexistent. She is subject to both a complex, time consuming, a large number of products and attention to the dish, and simple meals for every day.

One of the dishes suitable for daily useuse - pasta. Of course, they are not at all difficult to cook and on the stove in the way customary by every mistress, in a lot of water, stirring occasionally. But cooking macaroni in a multivarquet is even simpler and more enjoyable. Moreover, in parallel with the garnish, you can cook on a steak, which is formed during cooking, something else, such as meat or cutlets, in a special multiwool tray.

how to cook macaroni in a multivariate

So, prepare the pasta. For this delicious and beloved garnish, as well as with conventional cooking, it will take quite a bit. Everything is really much simpler than it might seem when thinking about the question: "How to cook pasta in a multivark?" For cooking, you need, actually, the macaroni (about half the pack, it's about 250 grams), water, salt and spices (at your discretion) and a small amount of butter. Pasta in the specified quantity are filled up in a bowl and flooded with water. The amount of water should be such as to completely cover the pasta, but not more than this level. Next, add butter (about 1 spoonful). It is necessary to prevent the dish from stirring during cooking. It is thanks to the oil that the pasta will not stick together. Next - salt and add the necessary spices, close the lid and turn on the mode that can provide cooking with a gradual boil-off of water - this is either "Plov" or "Buckwheat". That's all about how to cook a pasta in a multivariate. Now you need to wait for the end of cooking signal and mix the finished dish. As you guessed it, you do not need to drain the water - it will boil out during cooking. And the oil in the dish is already there.

we cook pasta

It's simple! See how?

In a multivariate you can not cook pastaonly as a side dish. It is also possible to create a variety of delicious and favorite dishes, such as, for example, pasta in the Navy. This dish can be prepared in many ways, both familiar and new, interesting. For example, we learn how to cook pasta with minced meat. This dish is also prepared very quickly and simply, but can claim the title of the main one. It will require the same as for pasta, plus minced meat (pork, beef, chicken or mixed from, for example, pork and beef), as well as onions and spices. So, how in the multivariate to cook pasta in the Navy? To begin with, you need to enable the "Baking" mode or another similar one. In some models, there is an identical mode, differing only in the ability to set a shorter cooking time. In the bowl you need to pour oil and lightly fry in it finely chopped onion. Next, add minced meat, stirring it well, and also fry a little. And now everything is the same as it was described in the previous recipe. Pour, pour, oil-salt-pepper, "Plov" or "Buckwheat". We are waiting for the end of the process. And everything, the dish is ready. You can serve to the table! If desired, the pasta can be poured with tomato sauce or sprinkled with cheese.

how to cook pasta with minced meat

A more economical and even simpler version of macaroni in the Navy can be pasta with stew instead of minced meat. Bon Appetit!

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