Bes (Christianity): description, meaning and exile. Who is the devil in Christianity?

An evil spirit is considered a demon. Christianity also identifies him with a devil, a terrible devil or an insidious demon. This image was created on the basis of those interpretations that provided the traditions of the church.

About the term

In the XI century, it is possible for the first time to hear thatthere is a special image in Christianity - the demon. Who is it? You could find out about this by reading the lines of "The Word of Law and Grace" or in the epic narrating about the campaign of Prince Igor and his regiment, written in the 12th century. In addition, who is such a devil in Christianity, you can learn from many other works.

devil Christianity

In fact, so called all the images that hadany relation to paganism. Did not leave this nickname and the great Velez. The demon (Christianity) is any entity whose existence is contrary to the supremacy of God in the spiritual world. If you look at the translation of the Bible of the XIX century, you can also see this term. In English, as well as in German, this word is perceived as a synonym for the word "devil". The Slavs borrowed it from the inhabitants of the Indo-European territories, which meant "fear". The Greeks called it a monkey.

According to the pagan Slavs, winter is timethe reign of demons who send cold. Also associated with them is the dark time of the day. In a word, these creatures were attributed to involvement in all phenomena of nature that violated human peace and comfort.

From the point of view of the church

According to the concept of Christianity, demons are spiritsevil, the habits of which you can learn a lot of stories or descriptions of the lives of saints. Also, investigating this issue, it is worth paying attention to the demons, the gods of pagans and idols, who were ranked among all of the same category. They were called the collective term "demon". Christianity in many subjects represented him as a tempter of saints or went to the desert.

Of course, many stories end in victorygood over these manifestations of evil forces. He can send sickness, seduce a sinner, or cast a soul into the vice of a demon. Christianity claims that it is he who pushes man from the right path. So very close to this image is the devil, who is also a pernicious character, spoiling people's quiet life.

in Christianity, who is it?

Different views on the question

Supports the concept of fighting these creaturesChristianity. Expulsion of demons is a deliverance from obsession. Psychiatry, of course, has its own views on this issue. There, this phenomenon is called "kakodemonomania." It may also appear that the parasite has sucked in the soul of a person who is rabid.

The notion thatman is not one body, but several: physical, astral, etheric. It is believed that the world in which we live is just one level of everything. There are lower circles in which most of them live exactly such creatures and their victims.

You can get there by abusing drugs oralcohol. When it comes to the so-called squirrel, which differs from the cute furry creature, one can say that a man breaks the barrier between worlds and falls into the embrace of dark entities, feeding on the negative emotions of his donor.

Parasites can cling to the soul of the individual anddevour her slowly. This explains all those visions that come to people in a state of altered consciousness. It seems that he drank, sobered up and everything went away, but in fact the brick falls out of the wall between a healthy mind and this terrible world of illusions.

who is a devil in Christianity

How to get rid?

It infuses into the soul and helps it decompose the demon. Christianity as a cure for such a contagion suggests it to be on the right path and live according to the texts of the commandments. After all, there is nothing in the world that can not be corrected, in particular, and this.

If the individual makes a choice in favor of the correctbehavior, with time he will feel relief and purity. The main thing is to recognize your actions as unworthy, to repent, to trust in the Spirit of God. To settle in the soul light or anger is a personal choice of everyone.

Beside is truly like a predilection for alcohol ortobacco. He can enslave the mind and change it, but if the person is stronger and decides to throw off those fetters, everything is subject to it. It is believed that the saints, martyrs, and also the saints passed through the struggle with these creatures.

christianity exorcism

From antiquity to the present day

The presence of these creatures felt in alltime. Even now, when people are not so superstitious, they continue to use the terms "mad", "demoniac" and the like. An effective procedure for the expulsion of harmful entities was considered to be exorcism, which included prayers, a list of rituals peculiar to one or another religion.

To carry out similar actions have begun still in gray-hairedantiquity, when they were an integral part of beliefs, as well as cults. Today, obsession is equated with mental disorders. Many simply try to attract attention, giving the impression that the demon has settled in them. The healing that took place after the procedure of exorcism is more like a placebo or usual suggestion than a direct result of the actions of a priest.

demon Christianity is

The Bible and what was before it

Even before the emergence of Christianity, withdemons could be met by studying shamanism. Already there it was detailed, who they are, how to drive them. Although in the Hrtsian tradition, of course, this is not recognized and argues that Christ was the first to exorcise. After all, it was he who somehow healed a demon-enslaved man, freeing his soul.

Dark entities forced the victim to live in a coffin. Jesus had only one sentence to order the dark spirits to fly away and fly to the pigs. In the opinion of Christians, God gave individual apostles and other saints a special gift of exorcism. In our time, there are many mystic lovers looking for it on the pages of books and movie screens. There are many films on this topic.

Scientific approach

The medicine has its own opinion on this matter. It is believed that the matter here is in a mental illness. Those who are usually considered possessed, show all the signs of hysteria, mania, a psychotic state, there is epilepsy, schizoid disorders, even a split personality.

By the way, regarding the latter, it is curious that 29% "lived" in the souls of such patients - they are demons. Also they can be connected with monomania or paranoia.

according to the concept of Christianity, demons

From the point of view of faith

Much of exorcism can be gleaned fromThe Gospel. It is believed that after leaving a person, the spirit goes to wander in those places where there is no water. His goal is to find peace, which he fails. After that he nevertheless returns to his house, which is the human soul.

In order for the painful procedure not torepeated in a new circle, it is necessary that after the expulsion of the demon a person not only left a gaping hole in his soul, but filled it with light, good, which can be found in prayer, thoughts about God.

In addition, in the writings one can find data on how,that not only Jesus and the apostles were engaged in exorcism, but also Jewish spellcasters. The Gospel describes the case when the Jewish healers cast out the demon, who made his victims suffer sleepwalking. The main tools in this case are prayer and fasting.

In addition, this art obeyed and ordinarypeople who were filled with faith. They used the name of the Lord. Also, demons and demons are associated with bad thoughts, doubts and other side effects of twisted mental activity. Peace of mind is an integral part of happiness, the acquisition of which was also sometimes called the expulsion of demons.

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