What is the date of the parental day and what is it?

All Orthodox holidays are based on biblicalevents dedicated to the life of Jesus Christ. Believers note their campaign in the church and observance of certain rituals associated with these days. It also concerns such an important event as Radonitsa, or Parent's Day. What date it will come, depends on the time of the end of Lent, as Radonitsa falls on the 9th day after the Resurrection of Christ. This event refers to the memorial days, therefore it is difficult to name its holiday, of course. Moreover, he has the unspoken title "Antipascha", which means "instead of Easter." In addition, according to the biblical events, the first holiday is exultant, because Jesus was resurrected; and the second - sad - this is the day of remembrance of relatives and friends.

what day is the parental day

What day is Parent day this year

In 2013 he was celebrated on May 14. According to the ritual, on this day Christians visit the cemetery and commemorate deceased relatives. Here they bring the consecrated dishes, among which are colored eggs, Easter, sweets, pies. In Radonitsa it is customary to make a memorial meal, and also to regulate children, acquaintances (sometimes homeless and needy people) with Easter gifts. This is done in order to commemorate the souls of relatives and friends who have departed into the world. Orthodox necessarily bring to the cemetery church candles. It is believed that the candle lit on the grave illuminates the departed way to God.

the parent day of which date

History of the Parent's Day

The custom has survived since the days of paganism. Radunitsa and Trizna are the names of the gods who were the guardians of the souls of the deceased people. To beg them, they were offered ritual sacrifices. Thus our ancestors tried to provide souls that had not yet managed to fly to heaven, rest. After the adoption of Christianity, the Parents' Day, like many other ancient customs, was tied to the Orthodox faith. And the victims were replaced with Easter gifts.

How to determine the date of Radonica?

What is the date of Parent's Day - easy to calculateyourself. As already written above, it comes in nine days after Easter. You can use another method of calculation. Radonica is celebrated on the following Tuesday after the first resurrection. Proceeding from this, it is possible to calculate the number of Parent's Day in the next year. For example, Easter comes on April 20, and therefore, by the 20 days we add 9. So it turns out that Radonitsa should be celebrated on the 29th, that is, the next Tuesday after the resurrection. It should be noted that the event lasts for several days and ends on Saturday. In the people it is also called Fomina a week. During this time, the living must have time to visit the graves of all their relatives (especially if they are in different cities) and read the prayers that help to rest souls.

Other days of the remembrance of the dead

The deceased person within forty days after hisdeath is considered to be new. During this period, Christian rituals are very important: prayer for the peace of the soul, funeral service in the church (if necessary), memorial meal. It is also important not to forget about the third, ninth and fortieth days after death. That's why:

all Orthodox holidays

  • On the third day, it is customary to commemorate those whothe honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is believed that the first days of the soul of the deceased is on the ground. During this period, she, together with her guardian angel, visits important places for her related to one or another of her life's events. Only on the third day the monad goes to heaven to first appear before God.
  • Remembrance on the ninth day is carried out in honor ofnine angelic ranks. During the Judgment of God, the angels will appear before Him as representatives of the souls of men and will ask Him for forgiveness for the sins of the servant of God, committed in the life-period. On the ninth day, the angel again leads the soul so that she will worship the Lord a second time.
  • Finally, on the fortieth day, the immortal soul ascends to heaven and settles in paradise with the righteous.

According to faith

They remember the dead one year after their death, and alsoon the day of birth, on the day of the Angel, on some Orthodox holidays. Regardless of the number of the Parent day, you should try to visit the graves of loved ones whenever possible. Each lit candle and prayer read over the grave is very important for the rest of the souls, otherwise they can be the next of kin. However, if this happens, do not be afraid. If on the eve of the holiday the deceased comes in a dream, it is important to listen to his wishes.

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