Redemption of the Bride Scenario

The wedding, as a rule, carries a lot ofsurprises and unforeseen situations. Let's consider some of them. The tradition of bride price has existed for centuries. Each people has its own customs and rituals, distinctive features, but the principle is the same for all. The groom, along with his friends, must pass the test in order to see the future wife. Also, the groom should bring gifts, alcoholic beverages, sweets as ransom. Many weddings try to adhere to the traditions of the Old Russian style, the ransom is filled with chastushki, songs, competitions. However, many competitions have become incredibly predictable, and guests are bored to fulfill them. In order for everything to be fun and easy, you need to think about the bride's purchase of a cool and modern script. There are a lot of ideas with the help of which this event will be held "on Hooray!"

However, if you connect the fantasy and approachcreatively, then you can come up with a bride price a script is unusual. For example, contests can be started directly from the groom's house. The witness must prepare a card according to which the future husband must find the bride. On the way it will also be waiting for competitions, for example, in the park, friends need to undergo several tests. Only after passing these tests, the witness opens the next point of the route or suggests where you can find the bride. Redemption of the bride script should contain not only such contests in which the groom could show his agility and ingenuity, but also express feelings for the bride. There is another very difficult test: a few steps before the bride groom begins to seduce his wife's friends or oriental beauties, performing a delightful dance. To conduct such a test is rather risky, since the groom may break, but if he passes the test, the bride can be sure of the strength of feelings and loyalty of the chosen one. Another option is based on traditional competitions, but in the usual bride price purchase a script adds items such as different costumes that will turn the ransom into a real performance! For example, the bride's parents can change into a king and a queen, and friends of the bride - in custody. The groom must perform the tasks of the guard in order to approach the goal. Undoubtedly, the guard should be bribed, and in case the groom does not cope with the tasks, accept gifts for pampering.

What can be the contest for the redemption of the bridescenario? Tasks are very diverse. For example, the groom should show his knightly abilities. He is given a horse that a bicycle can become, and the groom must ride the obstacle course on it. Witnesses can check accuracy with a homemade onion and a children's target. Instead of a sword and a spear, you can use a squeegee or a long stick.

A bride price script can be perfectlydifferent, suitable for this young couple. For example, if they met on the Internet on a dating site, the whole script can be based on computer graphics. Draw smiles, prepare electronic questions. The actors are now - not the king and the queen, but the moderator, viruses, the Google search engine and the support service. In the process of redemption, the groom should fill out the questionnaire so that the answers are as closely as possible with the answers of the second half. The final competition for such a ransom is the following: the groom should enter a login and password to the bride's "box". Login - this is what connected the hearts of the young, consists of six characters (love), and the password - what will become young after the wedding (family).

And do not forget that the wedding is the most beautiful day in the life of two lovers! Let only the most delicious, amazing and amazing memories remain!

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