The most popular variety of goldfish

Goldfish is called a subspecies of silver crucian carp. In the wild they live in Korea, China, Japan and the islands of Asia.

Varieties of goldfish

a kind of goldfish
Breeders managed to withdraw artificiallymany kinds of goldfish, they are even difficult to list. Until today, in Asia, there are species that do not exist in Europe. Contained these fabulous waterfowl in open pools, where they grow to a length of 30 cm in the aquarium goldfish can grow only up to 15 cm at the bottom of the pond must be smooth and large gravel or pebbles. These fish are very peaceful and easily get along with other species. Only such a variety of goldfish, like veiled tails, should be kept separately, so that neighbors do not damage their tender and beautiful tails.

Today you can choose for your aquariumany kind of goldfish in accordance with their own taste. And they are available to everyone who wants. In general, it is possible to divide all fish of this large species into short-bodied and long-bodied. Consider the brightest and most common representatives.

A variety of goldfish with a special tail inthe shape of the wings of a butterfly, open for flight, and they call it a butterfly. But the trail tail, which is raised up, divided into 2, 3 or 4 parts, have small fish-tails. He can adopt a position similar to that of a fan.

varieties of aquarium goldfish
What kind of goldfish are the mostpopular? Are in demand babies with non-trivial appearance, called pearls. It is a round fish with short fins, and its scales are like pearls. This representative of the family will be an excellent decoration for any aquarium.

The next variety of goldfish -the lionhead. The head of representatives of this species is covered with outgrowths similar to strawberries, and together with a round body it resembles the head of a lion. Orand is distinguished by large outgrowths between the eyes, and ryukina has a humpbacked back.

Many varieties of aquarium goldfishmutated, changing the shape of the eyes. For example, a fish, which is called the "heavenly eye", constantly looks up, and the fish "water eyes" has impressive eyes and blistery bubbles with liquid. The telescope, the veil telescope and the black telescope are characterized by very large eyes.

Varieties of goldfish, whose photos youyou see, they differ in the shape of the body. The comet is the owner of a long tail, often superior to the body itself. Ranchu is deprived of dorsal fin, but has growths on the head. Shubunkins are noticeable in their calico color and transparent scales.

And, finally, the usual goldfish has a medium body, elongated fins. The color of it can be red, red-gold and red-white.

varieties of goldfish Photo

Fish, differing in size or body length,have their own temperament, so it is more correct to settle them separately. Long representatives (shubunkins, comets) can grow quite large, so they should take an aquarium of at least 200 liters. However, they are unpretentious and very hardy.

Separately, it is necessary to settle astrologers, telescopes and fish with "watery eyes". Sluggish and slow telescopes risk not having time to distribute food and remain hungry.

Fish "water eyes" easily injured. But the most unpretentious can be called ryukin and fan tails. It is with the content of these species and you can start newcomers-aquarists.

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