Signs of lung cancer

Any cancer is terrible. Many of its varieties are difficult to recognize on time. Of course, this makes treatment difficult.

Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops from the epithelial tissue of the lungs. This disease has two forms:
- Peripheral cancer;
central cancer.

In the first case, it develops from the lung tissue, in the second - comes from the bronchi.
Signs of lung cancer are not easy to recognize. Very often they learn about him by accident. The disease is not rare. By right it can be called the most common of all oncological. For its prevention, there has always been a lot of effort, but the number of patients still increased every year. In the early twentieth century, the level of the disease increased tenfold.

Signs of lung cancer are more common in men,than in women. The first symptoms are not very noticeable, which means that the disease can grow well by the time it is possible to diagnose it. Diagnosis of lung cancer does not always help to determine the disease in the first stages.

What is the reason

The reason for it, as well as the cause of any othercancer, most often there is damage to the DNA of cells. Damage is caused by the external environment. To lung cancer results in smoking, inhalation of any harmful substances. At risk are those who work in the shops, where the conditions of production leave much to be desired. Often they are sick with miners, workers in phosphate production and so on.

Statistics argue that signs of lung cancer insmokers are observed much more often than in non-smokers. This is entirely logical, because cigarette smoke contains a huge number of various harmful substances. Often, lung cancer is preceded by chronic inflammatory processes. This is chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and so on.

Symptoms and signs of lung cancer

They include a strong cough, a constantpain in the chest, weight loss, hemoptysis, dyspnea. The first signs of lung cancer are nonspecific. In principle, so you can say about all the following. The signs of lung cancer, listed above, you need to know. Finding them at home is cause for concern and contact with a doctor.

A few words about diagnosis

Diagnosis of lung cancer is performed with the help offluorograph, and also roentgenogram. The examination is best once a year. If suspected of lung cancer, additional tests are done. This transthoracic puncture, the determination of the level of cancer markers in the blood, bronchoscopy, computed tomography, biopsy (puncture) of the lymph nodes.

What to do if you have this type of cancer

Treatment should be started immediately. All actions must be performed only on the advice of a doctor. Do not engage in self-medication, much less resort to various means of alternative medicine.

The oncologist will appoint a special treatment program. It will depend directly on the patient's stage of the disease. Radiation therapy, a surgical method, and chemotherapy are used for treatment. In almost all cases, they are assigned in pairs or all together.
The result of treatment depends on when the steeltake action. The value also has a histological picture of the tumor. Lung cancer can give metastases that will affect individual organs. The mortality rate is high.

Preventive measures

These include timely treatmentinflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Anyone who is seriously concerned about the problem of lung cancer should completely stop smoking. It is also recommended to change jobs if you are obliged to stay in a room where there are a lot of harmful substances.

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