"Artromax": instructions for use, treatment course

The organism of modern man dailyis exposed to negative effects. This is due to excessive physical exertion, poor environmental situation, insufficient rest time, etc. Often, to get rid of these or other health problems, the body needs to remove toxins. There are many drugs that can help, but one of the most effective is "Artromax."

arthromax instruction on application description

Properties and indications for use

The main components of this drugof the preparation are the roots of dandelion and burdock, which are able to excrete various toxins from the body in a few weeks if "Artromax" is used. Instruction for use indicates that it is necessary for the following health problems:

  • dystrophic diseases of the spine and joints;
  • various types of osteochondrosis;
  • complications after fractures;
  • presence of chondromalacia and osteopathy.

Properties of the dandelion root

Due to the presence of the root preparationdandelion, you can normalize the liver, because it contains inulin, which is a plant analogue of insulin. In addition, it promotes the treatment of various diseases of the gallbladder, and is also an auxiliary for jaundice. With all these diseases, "Artromax" can effectively help. Instructions for use of this drug should be strictly observed.

arthromax instructions for use

The root of the dandelion has a pronounced antipyretic, choleretic, soothing and expectorant effect. It can also be used as a hypnotic.

Burdock root properties

The root of the burdock contains a large number of useful substances and elements. In particular, essential oils, inulin, protein, resin, ascorbic acid, tannins.

arthromax user manual

Due to their presence, he has sweatshops,painkiller, antiseptic, antimicrobial, diuretic and choleretic effect. Burdock root can be used to normalize the condition of the skin, and also as an easy laxative. He can quickly help with allergies, normalize metabolism and blood, improve hair. He is able to cope with the deposition of salts and the appearance of stones in the kidneys.

Mode of application

"Artromax" should be taken orally. We must not forget that the doses of the drug for children and adults are different. If "Artromax" is used to treat a child, then its dose is 1 capsule once a day. For adults - 1 capsule twice a day. The course of treatment is 3 months. But weekly breaks are also necessary.

The maximum effect of taking the drugmanifested in 2-3 months after the start of treatment. Despite the fact that the clinical effect develops slowly, after the cessation of treatment it persists for a long time.

Contraindications and side effects

There are some contraindications,characteristic for the drug "Artromax." The instructions for use contain detailed recommendations on how to take the remedy that should be observed. In particular, it should not be taken to children under 14 years of age, to women when carrying a child and lactation, and also in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use of a product such as a drug"Artromax" - instructions for use (description) indicates the presence of a few contraindications, - requires prior consultation with the doctor. Although you can take it yourself, following the instructions available.

arthromax Instructions for use

In the prevention or treatment of this drug,you should stop using alcohol and try to drink as little liquid as possible. In addition, "Artromax", the instruction for use of which indicates that it should be used with caution in the presence of the above conditions, has the following side effects:

  • flatulence;
  • gastralegia;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergic rashes.

Before using the drug still betterconsult a doctor. And if during the course of therapy you feel something is wrong, you need to stop taking the medication and go to a medical institution. This is indicated by the instruction for use available in the preparation "Artromax". Reviews of the analogues of this tool, such as "Alit", "Ameolin", "Artiflex", are mostly positive. Patients noted its effectiveness and reasonable cost.

Storage rules and price

This drug should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place. Avoid exposure to light rays. The expiration date of "Artromax" is two years from the date of manufacture.

The cost of the drug may vary significantly.Here the main role is played by the place of purchase. But usually it is about 500 rubles. It is freely sold in pharmacies, and if desired, the drug can be bought online.


This remedy is effective, capable ofhelp with many diseases and improve the overall condition of the body. So describes the drug "Artromax" instructions for use. Reviews about it in a positive way. Patients note its effectiveness and numerous positive properties. Its cost is reasonable and accessible to everyone.

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