Low blood pressure: a symptom that will make you worry

Nowadays with the problem of low pressureface not only the elderly, but also the youth. Most susceptible to this state of the fair sex. In order to prevent the development of chronic hypotension, you should know the main symptoms, characteristic of low blood pressure.

low-pressure symptom
First of all, this is a general weakness in the body,apathy, fatigue and lethargy. Hypotonics often complain of weakness, drowsiness, a feeling of fatigue and absent-mindedness even after prolonged sleep. Normally, the body does not come until a few hours after awakening, and in the daytime the recession begins again. The peak of cheerfulness, as a rule, falls on the evening time.

If we are talking about low blood pressure, a symptom,which occurs more often than others - emotional instability of a person. Too frequent mood swings, irritability, weakness and tearfulness are further aggravated by increasing sensitivity to loud sounds and bright light.

Quite often, when it comes to lowpressure, a symptom - disorders of the digestive system. They can manifest themselves in different ways: some people simply lose their appetite, others feel nauseous, suffer from constipation, heartburn, flatulence, eructations, feel bitterness in the mouth or heaviness in the stomach.

symptoms at low pressure
Reduced pressure in the vast majoritycases leads to a deterioration in the body's resistance to changes in weather and climate. Most often it manifests itself in the form of dizziness, headache, etc. Speaking about symptoms at low pressure, it is worth noting that they are most acute during the period of fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, in spring and autumn, when it is almost constantly lowered. Negatively can affect and intense heat. Also, hypotonia has difficulties with acclimatization - this factor must certainly be taken into account when planning trips abroad.

How else can low pressure appear? A symptom that does not occur very often, but nevertheless should be mentioned in this article - violations in the sexual system. In men, it manifests itself in the form of a decrease in potency, and girls and women can face violations of the menstrual cycle.

Under reduced pressure, a person often yawns (i.e. because the blood vessels do not have time to saturate the brain with oxygen), but with a rapid change in the position of the body (for example, from horizontal to vertical), they can darken in the eyes, some even lose consciousness.

low blood pressure symptoms
In addition to all the above featureslow pressure, we can note a few more. For example, some patients note that with low blood pressure they often experience thirst, slightly lose their visual acuity, and cold sweat appears on the skin. Low blood pressure, the symptoms of which we are now considering, can manifest itself in the pallor of the skin, rapid breathing and palpitations, flashing "flies" before the eyes.

If you have low blood pressure, the symptom may beone, or you will come across a whole set of signs. However, in any case, do not postpone the visit to the doctor - then you can avoid chronic hypotension and promptly eliminate the root cause of the disorder.

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