The drug "Cholestyramine": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

To improve the condition of patients with elevatedthe level of cholesterol in the blood and the violation of excretion of bile acids from the body use special medications. The most popular of them is "Cholestyramine". Instruction for use notes that this medicine is well tolerated, as it is not absorbed from the intestine and does not adversely affect the work of other organs and systems. But it is known about it becomes patients mainly from other patients who have undergone a course of treatment with the drug. After all, now "Cholestyramine" in Russian medicine is almost not used. Therefore, before using this medication, you need to consult a doctor.

Effect of the drug

"Cholestyramine" is an anion-exchange resin, insoluble in water.

cholestyramine instructions for use form of release
Its composition includes polymers of styrene anddivinylbenzene. When entering the stomach, the drug binds to bile acids and cholesterol. Such complexes are not absorbed and are unchanged through the intestine. This is the therapeutic property of the drug "Cholestyramine". Instructions for use (analogs are presented below) notes that it has such an effect:

  • lowers cholesterol in the blood;
  • reduces the content of lipoproteins and triglycerides;
  • improves the production of bile acids from cholesterol in the liver;
  • reduces skin itching due to disruption of the gallbladder.

Indications for use

Not all patients suffering from excess cholesterol know about the beneficial effect of the drug "Cholestyramine". Instructions for use recommend using it in such cases:

  • for the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • with ischemic heart disease to prevent myocardial infarction;
  • at an elevated level of cholesterol in the blood;
    cholestyramine instructions for use review
  • for the treatment of hyperlipoproteinemia 2 nd degree;
  • to relieve itching due to stagnation of bile;
  • with a narrowing of the ducts of the biliary tract and cholelithiasis;
  • when poisoning with digitalis.

In all these cases, the drug will be useful.

"Cholestyramine": instructions for use

The form of the preparation is a powder for the preparation of a suspension. To dissolve it, take half a cup of liquid.

cholestyramine instructions for use
The best water, but you can take the drug and withjuice or milk. The suspension is prepared 10 minutes before the intake, since the powder should dissolve well. The dosage is determined by the attending physician for the patient's health condition. Usually prescribed 4 grams of the drug 2 times a day. But the dose can be increased to 4 receptions of 4 grams. Drink "Cholestyramine" before meals. The course of treatment with the drug - at least a month. During this period, you need to drink as much water as possible and control the level of prothrombin and folic acid. In some cases, an additional intake of vitamins, especially vitamin K, is indicated. If the patient takes other medicines, they are recommended to drink 4 hours after "Cholestyramine".
cholestyramine instruction on the use of analogues

Contraindications and possible side effects

Despite the relative safety of the drug and its positive effect on the body, not everyone can drink "Cholestyramine". Instructions for use prohibit the use of it in such cases:

  • with obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • patients with phenylketonuria;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with individual intolerance.

With caution appoint the drug to the elderlyover 60 years old and children, because they have a high risk of side effects. Most often, negative effects are manifested by the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders, heartburn and flatulence. The drug can provoke bleeding, as it reduces the level of platelets in the blood. It is also possible to impair absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins and folic acid. And with an overdose, the obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract may develop. But basically the drug "Cholestyramine" is well tolerated (the instruction for use contains information on this).

cholestyramine Instructions for use

Drug analogues

Medicines with a similar effect are not very many. Most often they have a similar composition. The drug "Holestiramin" instruction for use calls the most effective. You can buy it under the names "Kolestir", "Questran", "Cholestan" and "Kolestyramin". Similar action is possessed by such preparations: "Lipantil", "Ezetrol", "Tribestan", "Ipokol" and others. But the question of choosing a medicine should be solved with the attending physician. After all, they all have different contraindications and side effects.

Feedback on the use of "Cholestyramine"

This drug is quite expensive: Packaging of 100 doses can be purchased for 1000-1500 rubles. This is because it is ordered in Germany and delivered directly from the manufacturer. Now this medicine is not registered in the Russian Federation. But despite this, many patients get "Cholestyramine" for treatment. Instructions for use, reviews about the drug and possible side effects are on many forums. Patients who underwent a course of treatment with this remedy note improvement in the condition and absence of allergic reactions. The drug is well tolerated, improves metabolism and improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

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