Cardiovascular diseases - scourge of the XXI century

Cardiovascular disease is extremelyare common today. They are observed in all age groups of the population. Over the past decades, the trend has been to increase the number of cardiovascular diseases in people of a fairly young age. At the same time, they determine such ailments as ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction and hypertension. By the age of 40, few people are able to say that they are not worried about cardiovascular diseases. Statistics of recent decades shows that this pathology with time is becoming more and more prevalent.

Cardiovascular diseases

The reasons for the increase in the number of cardiovascular ailments

There are many factors that are capable ofto raise the level of such morbidity. A definite role in this was played by the achievements of modern medicine. The fact is that earlier people with heart defects, as well as early forms of other diseases, died, not having enough time to leave the offspring. Thus, the so-called natural selection was maintained, that is, the strongest survived and multiplied. Now medicine can put people on their feet even with a very serious cardiovascular pathology.

In addition, it should be noted that the modernThe way of life differs significantly from the one that was characteristic of our grandfathers and even fathers. Today's generation moves much less. This is not surprising, because many modern professions are connected with work at the computer, almost every second family has its own car, and the complete differentiation of labor also does not contribute to increasing the motor activity of a person. All this does not work very well on the cardiovascular system of a person. In the absence of an adequate load, it begins to function incorrectly.

Cardiovascular disease statistics

It should also be noted that now the diagnosisdiseases of the cardiovascular system is at a completely different level than before. Today, to identify this or that disease is much easier than 20-30 years ago.

Than it threatens?

Already today cardiovascular diseases are40-50 years, there are approximately 2/3 of the population. Every year the number of patients suffering from such ailments becomes more and more. In this case, do not forget that the diseases of this group are different in that they are chronic and do not respond well to treatment. In the end, all this leads to the need to develop more and more new tools to combat cardiovascular diseases.

Diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system

Modern approach to treatment

To date, the most rationalis a complex effect on the pathological process that affects the cardiovascular system. First, the patient must maintain a sufficient level of activity. Only under such condition cardiovascular diseases slow down their progression. Secondly, such patients are often prescribed several drugs at once. Thirdly, they are usually recommended to adhere to a particular diet. This is necessary both to get rid of excess weight, and to reduce the intake of certain substances in the body that adversely affect the cardiovascular system.

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