How to take vitamin E, and in what doses, and when it should not be done?

Nowadays, vitamin E, in medicine calledtocopherol, has become very popular. It is a part of many cosmetic preparations, it is available in a set with other multivitamins and separately. Some consider it a vitamin of youth and beauty, others, on the contrary, treat it with caution and talk about possible side effects. Therefore, it is worth investigating this issue in more detail and deciding how useful vitamin e is, how much to take and in what combination.

This vitamin is a fat-soluble vitamin. The main places of his accumulation were the adrenal glands, fatty tissue, blood, liver, heart and uterus. How to take vitamin E? Do not use it in too large quantities, but you can not completely abandon it.

In order to learn how to takevitamin E, it is necessary to refer to its dosages by age. Children from one year to six years are advised not to exceed the dose of seven milligrams. Adolescents under the age of seventeen years are allowed to take a daily dose of fifteen milligrams. Adult women and men have enough doses of ten milligrams, but pregnant and lactating women are recommended to increase the daily rate to fourteen milligrams. Thoracic babies do not need to take this vitamin, as it in the right amount comes to them in the body along with the mother's milk.

How to take vitamin E? Today it is produced in a variety of forms and compositions. This may be a solution for ingestion or injection, chewing lozenges and capsules. In any case, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the recommended dosages. One of the important nutrients that slow down the aging process in the body is the antioxidant vitamin E. How much should it take in capsules and pastilles? For an adult it is enough to take one capsule per day or two or three lozenges, melted in the mouth and washed with water.

The importance of this vitamin in the functions of the bodyis very large. It promotes the flow of oxygen to the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protects against toxins, and performs many more useful functions that contribute to the healthy functioning of the whole organism. He plays no less important role in the correct and productive work of the reproductive system, both in women and men. This miracle vitamin helps even to remove depression and drowsiness during climatic syndromes, as well as increase sexual desire.

But there are a number of contraindications, in whichdescribes how to take vitamin E in people suffering from certain diseases. With myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis and hypersensitivity, this vitamin is not recommended.

And how to take vitamin E with other drugs? It is combined with iron fumerate, citrate and gluconate, but with iron oxide and preparations of silver to drink this vitamin should not be. How to take vitamin E in the complex? It is ideally in harmony with selenium and vitamin a, and these drugs are recommended to drink in equal quantities.

How to take vitamin E correctly? Any liquid vitamins need to be drunk after eating. To do this it is necessary, since scientists have calculated that a person does not consume the daily norm of tocopherol. Well, if we talk about conventional products, its greatest content will be in nuts, oil, soybeans, sunflower oil and eggs. Many tocopherols are found in broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Therefore, these products must necessarily enter the menu of each. Do not forget that the lack of this vitamin has a bad effect on the appearance of the skin, and with its severe deficiency, there may come a general weakness of the body. On this basis, you can make a reasonable conclusion - tocopherol in any case, brings the body much more benefits than harm, especially if it is drunk in reasonable doses.

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