A democratic family is what? What kind of family?

Sooner or later a couple in love comes to a conclusionabout the time to create a family. This is an important social process, which specialists in the field of demography and social science do not bypass. The family of a democratic type is particularly distinguished, behind which stands the future.

What is family?

From a specialized vocabulary, the family is a smalla social group whose members are related by marital or blood relationship, and are also interested in organizing cohabitation and mutual assistance.

If we compare our society to a holisticorganism, the family in it will be a separate cell. From these "cells" depends the correct functioning of the entire mechanism. Therefore, the family is a cell of society, whose well-being directly affects the present and the future.

democratic family

Family functions

It does not matter what goals the couple is pursuing and what type of family relationships she wants to build. Family formation assumes the emergence of certain functions, among which:

  1. Birth of children.
  2. Interaction with children and development of maternity / paternity skills.
  3. Development of economic relations, satisfaction of material needs of all members of the family.
  4. A source of love, respect and psychological protection.
  5. Communication with family members, emotional rest.
  6. Primary socialization.
  7. Intellectual and physical rest.

In real life, it is not always possible to seethe fulfillment of all the above points, but the "reference" example of the availability of all functions is a democratic family. What it is? What features does this kind of conjugal union have?

democratic family is

Democratic family

This type is considered the most acceptable in the 21st century,because it takes into account the needs and interests of absolutely all members of the family. Unlike authoritarian married couples, there is no place for any social standards and generally accepted stereotypes.

Any democratic family is a set of conditional rules that are acceptable for both parents and their children. Here the following points are particularly important:

  1. Relations are based on trust, compromise, understanding, patience, concessions, respect and equality. There is no place in such families for domination and humiliation.
  2. In democratic (partner) families there is no"Male" and "female" responsibilities. A man can always help in his spare time with household chores in the form of washing or dishes. A woman does not have to come home as a second job, and for her it will not be a disgrace to repair or repair equipment.
  3. Finance in a democratic family is a common capital. Of course, this does not mean that there is no pocket money for each of its members, but there is no place for some hidden investments and acquisitions.

In such families, the small salary of a husband and the wife's big salary are not considered shameful. The wife has the right to build her career and earn big money.

  1. Democratic relations in the family concernchildren, when their opinions and needs are taken into account by their parents without prejudice to the upbringing process. This does not mean that the child will be spoiled and caressed, but he will not feel the excessive domination of parents.
  2. Any adversity and unhappiness can be experienced through the support of each other. Spouses can give good advice to each other and their children, help solve the problem together, support in a difficult moment.

patriarchal democratic family

Subspecies of the partner family

Above, we gave a description of an ideal union, where equality stands first. There are also various interpretations of the partner family, which have a number of features.

1. The Patriarchal Democratic Family.

The peculiarity of such a union is the dominant role of the husband in various issues. Such a family is built on the same principles: respect, patience, concessions. However, equality is already staggering.

However, it would be wrong to consider such afamily is purely patriarchal. Although the man has the last word, he will still listen to his wife. There is no violence and other destructive processes that may appear in pure patriarchy.

2. Matriarchal Democratic Family.

In this community, the opposite is true: the primacy is transferred into the hands of a woman. Democracy manifests itself in situations where the spouse can still influence the decisions of his wife, and children have the right to express their opinion and be listened to by the mother.

democratic partner family

Authoritarian family as an alternative

It is not always possible to create an ideal conjugal union. A democratic family is the best option for relationships, but in modern realities such a pattern is very difficult to implement.

More often there are authoritarian families, where the husband (patriarchy) or the wife (matriarchy) has absolute advantage and power over the rest of the members. There is no concept of equality.

Sometimes an authoritarian family becomesstrong, and sometimes on the ground of misunderstanding, deception and stress, destructive processes occur. For example, systematic quarrels between spouses begin to occur, they are burdened by mental fatigue. As a result, the house no longer becomes the place where you want to return every day after work.

This negative impact is particularly reflected in thechildren: parents break down on them, they are constantly forbidden something, their opinion is sometimes not put in anything. The result is that children are shy, insecure, have low self-esteem, bend under the onslaught of their peers.

democratic family

The future of partnerships

It is much easier to build authoritarianism in a married couple, rather than through many difficulties to try to create a cozy hearth on the basis of mutual understanding and respect, equality and support.

A democratic family is the future of any developed community. According to statistics, in most developed countries the policy of creating such conjugal unions is positive.

As proof of the perfection of partnerrelations can be noted that democracy is characteristic of the urban population, and authoritarianism is for people in rural areas, where traditions are of paramount importance. And by tradition the husband is "in power" when the wife does all the housework and obeys (sometimes suffers) her husband.

There are, of course, other types of family relations, however, democracy is objectively the best solution for securing the conjugal union in the 21st century.

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