Syntactic characteristics of the sentence

The syntactic description of the sentence,which is otherwise called "syntactic parsing", is required to systematize its constructions, which helps to better understand its meaning and to prevent errors when stating punctuation. As a rule, such written work is required in secondary schools, since later it is held mentally at an automatic level.

characteristic of a complex sentence

First of all, the proposal is characterized bypurpose of expression and emotional coloring. It can be narrative, interrogative or motivating; exclamatory or non-exclamatory. Much of the information at this stage is taken from the final punctuation mark: the question mark unambiguously makes it clear that we have an interrogative sentence, and the point is that it is not exclamatory. The causative can be recognized by the presence of the verb in the imperative mood.

Then follows the characteristic of the sentence by the number of bases: simple - if it is single, and complex - if there are several.

If the sentence is simple, we characterizeits type of basis - one-part or two-part. In the first case, it is necessary to specify a discharge (name, definite or indefinite-personal, impersonal). In the second - the full sentence or incomplete.

syntactic characteristic of a sentence

After this, the characteristic of the proposal forthe presence of secondary members - it can be widespread or unresolved. Further, we indicate the presence of complicating structures - introductory words, references, participial and participial turns, homogeneous members, direct speech, isolated constructions. And in conclusion - we disassemble all the members of the sentence, indicating the parts of speech with which they are expressed. We explain the arrangement of punctuation marks. The characteristic of the sentence, if it is simple, ends here.

Characteristic of a complex sentence is severaldiffers from the scheme described above. After the second item, an indication is given of the type of connection between its parts - it can be union or non-union. When a union is detected, we determine the type of offer - compound or complex.
characteristic of a proposal

After this, we separately disassemble each simpleconstruction, as if they were separate proposals on the algorithm given above. Similarly, the composition, the presence of secondary members, the complication and so on are indicated. This completes the description of the proposal.

So, we see that any characteristicThe sentence eventually reduces to an explanation of punctuation marks. That is, it is needed to conduct a systematic self-examination. In addition, this procedure helps to avoid common syntax errors, in particular, incorrect matching between parts of the sentence. The characteristic of the proposal in most cases is quite simple, but here there is a downside to the coin. The slightest mistake can lead to a misinterpretation of the proposal or to its incorrect writing. Of course, when working with ready-made examples, this is not so terrible. But in assignments, where punctuation depends on the analysis of the sentence, one should try to approach the characterization as seriously as possible. And then you can avoid a lot of mistakes.

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