Sociology of youth is the branch of the science of sociology.

Sociology of youth is a branch of sciencesociology. It studies the youth as a separate community, the features of upbringing and socialization, how young people adopt experience and knowledge from older generations, the way of life of young people, the formation of value orientations and life plans. The main problems in science are the sociology of youth: the analysis of the portrait of youth groups, the study of the place and role of youth in the development of society, the study of needs, demands, interests, social expectations, value orientations in all spheres of life; moral and psychological readiness for unemployment and work, the inclusion of youth in self-government and social management at various levels. Sociology of youth is closely connected with the branches of sociology, it is military sociology, sociology of the collective, education, city, culture, mass communications, art, personality, literature, morals, medicine, education, politics, law, religion.

Sociology of youth as a science is divided into three interrelated levels:

1. Empirical, analyzes concrete facts on the basis of sociological research in all spheres of life;

2. Specially theoretical, reveals the structure of youth as a socio-demographic group, specificity, peculiarities of its behavior and consciousness, value orientations, socio-psychological and age specificity of the way of life;

3. The general methodological, is based on the knowledge of youth, as a phenomenon of society.

Sociology of sport is the branch of the science of sociology. It focuses on the relationship between society and sport from the standpoint of social institutions (education, family, economy, politics), social relations, social organizations, depending on the types of sport (professional or amateur, mass or elite, race or gender relations in sports), social processes, occurring in the relationship with the sport.

The meaning of sociology is to studysocial phenomena in society. Sociology gives knowledge about society in the interaction of subjective and objective factors of functioning and historical development, and, therefore, allows parties, people, power structures, scientists to act consciously, predicting scientifically what the consequences of their activities may be.

The three main functions of sociology:

Sociology in society began to perform three basic social functions:

a) scientific. Science explores the influence of socio-political and socio-economic phenomena in society, the spiritual, physical, social development of man in society;

b) scientific, which pursues commercial goals;

c) the apologetics of perestroika, and the reform course adopted by the power structures.

But, now, unfortunately, we have to state that the function of apologetics is approved and supported by the power structure, the criticism of the course of reforms justified by science is not accepted.

In Russia, sociology, like society, is experiencingNow is a difficult time. Most sociologists have lost interest in methodological, theoretical, and historical-sociological research and problems. By and large, there are no representative sociological studies in Russia. People without sociological education, violating moral and legal norms, calling themselves sociologists, conduct polls in public places.

Sociologists created scientific works that havegreat social and scientific significance: in studying the dynamics of citizens' moods, the study of the consequences of ongoing reforms in society. During perestroika, and then in the course of reforms, sociological studies monitor the impact of reforms on the individual, his mental and physical state, social status, etc.

Sociology of personality
Structure and Functions of Sociology
Modern sociological theories
Personality and Society Sociology
Phenomenological sociology
Contemporary Western Sociology
Development of sociology in Russia
Structure of sociological knowledge
Contemporary Sociology
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