Republican form of government in Russia

Being a sovereign country, Russia independently establishes its form of government. Thus, the organization of state power bodies is determined, as well as the order of their activities.

The republican form of government in the Russian Federation is establishedThe Constitution. At the same time, the main feature of such a state system is the changeability and electivity of the head of the country. In this republican form of government differs from monarchical. At the latter, as is known, the head of state more often inherits power.

From the position of purely formal, some authorsbelieve that the form of government does not affect the features of the state system. So, for example, Britain, being a monarchy, is together with this constitutional and democratic state.

In Russia, the republican form of governmentprovides for the waiver of any sustained or independent possession of power, which will be based on individual law. At the same time, the state system is oriented to experience and the mind, and not to achieve an ideal goal, which, as a rule, leads to the establishment of totalitarianism. The republican form of government in Russia also provides for the formation of state bodies in accordance with the coordination of the interests of state administration with the steadfastness of civil freedom. The creation of management bodies is carried out for a certain (limited) term with the help of free elections.

The Republican form of government provides fordemocratic system. At the same time, democracy (as equal freedom for all) is a complement to this system of government in the country. In turn, the republic strongly supports the rise and development of this equal for all freedom, contributing to the even distribution of social benefits. At the same time, equal elections are provided, access to education, state positions and so on.

There are two types of republic: presidential and parliamentary.

The main political difference between the firstthe concentration of powers and the head of government, and the head of the country in the hands of the President. Other signs of this form of government include an extra-parliamentary way of choosing the head of the country. Indirect or direct elections are used. In addition, the presidential republic also provides for an extra-parliamentary method of creating a government.

The system of higher state bodies at the parliamentarythe system of government is based on the principle of parliamentary domination. At the same time, the government bears collective responsibility before it. In the republic, the parliamentary government has power as long as it has a parliamentary majority.

Some modern countries with a republicanform of government also have some features of the presidential system. To such states, in particular, belongs modern Russia. The combination of the signs of the two systems of government is reflected in the presence of the powerful power of the president while preserving the typical features of parliamentarism.

Since the beginning of the formation of the constitutional orderRussia sought to strengthen the features of the presidential republic. Together with this, having in the end a presidential character, the system of state administration retains certain external characteristics of the parliamentary country.

Today, the Russian Federation haspresidential-parliamentary or (as they call it in some sources) semi-presidential form of government. The president is elected in the general election. He has his own prerogatives, which allow him to act independently of the government. At the same time, there is a government that is formed by ministers, has a chairman and is responsible to some extent before the parliament.

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