How to put smilies in Twitter: instructions

Today we learn how to put smiles in"Twitter." In fact, there are several interesting and simple ways that will certainly help you understand this issue. Let's learn how to make emoticons with you and publish them in this social network.

how to set smiles on Twitter

What is it?

Before putting smiles in "Twitter", it's worth talking about what we have to deal with. After all, it is always important to know what kind of task or "object" will interact with us.

"Twitter" is a new social network, in whichyou can lead something like a news blog with the placement of photographs and publications of various kinds of posts. It's enough just to register on the main page - that's all.

But if you are thinking how to add smilies to"Twitter", then, most likely, you already understood that these "badges" are an important element of any social network. So we show our emotions. Or thoughts. Even desires can be expressed by some modern "smiles". Let's find out how to put smiles in "Twitter".


The first method is the most common and simple. True, now he can satisfy very few people. It's about simplicity. What is it about? Now you will understand.

If you are thinking how to embed smileys in"Twitter", then you can just write them "by hand". More precisely, from the keyboard. That is, they will be the simplest "smiles", made up of a variety of icons. Yes, if fantasy allows, you can come up with very interesting combinations and options. However, in most cases, people do not particularly bother about this. For example, the most common smile you will have to type is "=)" (without quotes). Very simple, but interesting. True, modern users prefer more interesting options. How to put smiles in Twitter? Let's look at a few more approaches.

Writing documents

And here is another option that is capable ofinterest some users. For example, you can put smiles in "Twitter" using the most ordinary text editor. For example, Word is suitable. Go to it, and then select "Insert." There, look and click on the "symbols".

how to add smilies on Twitter

Probably, now it is not necessary to explain what to dofarther. Simply select the desired symbol and "draw" it on the sheet. Highlight it afterwards, copy it to the clipboard, and then just paste it into the post on the social network. You can send a message and look at the result.

However, this method is also not particularly fond ofusers. A few interesting symbols there really are, but you can not show the true emotions with this approach. So you have to look for other options, like making smilies in "Twitter".

Let us now consider a few more interesting approaches to today's issue. They are already able to satisfy everyone. In addition, they are very original.

Everything is ready

And here is another approach that will helpto figure out how to put smiles in "Twitter". The thing is that now on the World Wide Web you can find a lot of ready-made symbolic emoticons. They look pretty interesting and beautiful. In addition, it is very original.

All you need to do is pick yourself upsomething that you like. After that, select the part that you like to taste, copy it to the clipboard of your computer, and then just paste it into your post in "Twitter." There, where you want. That's all. You can publish. Nothing complicated or supernatural.

how to embed smiles on Twitter

Many users prefer this particularoption. After all, it helps to diversify pages without much effort. Yes, and the color scheme will not catch your eye. As you can see, everything is very clear and simple. Nevertheless, there are those who do not like the black "smiles". They are thinking about how to embed smilies in "Twitter" more and more. And, most interestingly, they find the answer to their requests. Which one? Now we'll find out.


Especially popular now are coloredsmileys. They are miniature pictures. Some of them are quite simple, but some are very "confusing". Just them and like to insert into their status and position many users of social networks. But how to do that?

There are special services on which youYou can easily and easily find the "smile" you need, and then copy it to your post. Usually these are whole archives, in which there are a lot of different kinds of "pictures". Do you think how to put smiles in Twitter? There is a special service "Smilies for" Twitter ", on which you can choose what you are interested in.

how to make smilies on Twitter

Usually on similar services it is possible to find outA separate window near which there will be an inscription "copy the code." If you saw something similar, then first of all find the smiley you are interested in, and then click on it. It will fit in the window. Now just click on "copy code", and then paste it into your post in "Twitter". That's all the problems. Now you know all the approaches to solving the problem, identified at the beginning of the article.

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