The meaning of the title of the story is "The Captain's Daughter". The image of Masha Mironova

In the famous story "The Captain's Daughter"Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin depicts several main characters. And all of them are quite attractive: decisive, fair, courageous. But why is the story named "The Captain's Daughter"? A story is being written on behalf of Gireyev, but the author of the main character was Masha Mironova.

the meaning of the title of the story is the captain's daughter

Who is Masha Mironova

Who is Masha Mironova? And why the story "Captain's daughter" named in her honor? First, Masha played a major role in the life of Peter Grinev, who is the main narrator. Secondly, Masha's father is the commandant of the Belogorsky fortress, hence the meaning of the title of the story "The Captain's Daughter".

Masha Mironova is young, initially nothingnot a noticeable girl. Her image bears in herself spiritual purity and high morality. An interesting point of the work is that Maria does not say much. It's not accidental! Pushkin shows that the strength of the main character is not in words, but in her unerring actions. Even in those days when her soul was torn to pieces, she was able to maintain her stamina, loyalty and principles.

Introduction of the reader to Masha

At the beginning of the meeting, Maria Ivanovna actsbefore the reader a modest and shy eighteen-year-old girl. Appearance of her absolutely inconspicuous: ruddy, round-faced, and light-brown hair smoothly combed over the ears. In the eyes of his mother, Masha is an unequivocal "coward", and Shvabrin tries to present her as an "absolute fool." But Masha just seems like a cowardly and quiet girl, trembling when shot from a gun. Faced with the hard trials that have risen in her path, she boldly and courageously confronts them. All further events show a lot of Machine advantages, here the reader begins to understand the meaning of the title of the story. The captain's daughter is very nice, sincere, sensitive and sensible. Her affability and positive character do not leave indifferent the people around.

Tests in the fate of Mironova

why the story is called the captain's daughter

At some point, the troubles simply fell on theheroine. The first shock to Masha was the execution of her father, and then her mother was killed. After a while, Mironov was overcome by a severe illness. And after recovering, she finds herself in a position dependent on Shvabrin. In this critical situation, the heroine reveals absolutely from the other side, because nothing could break it - neither threats nor the strength of the unloved person. Masha believes that it is better to meet with death, rather than live with an unloved man.

Love Masha and Peter

the meaning of the story is the captain's daughter

The story "The Captain's Daughter" includes andlove line, where Maria Mironova is the main character. Peter Grinev and Maria Mironova fell in love. Machino's feeling for Grinev is real, strong and deep. But she is a very sensible person. Having received a letter from the father of his lover, having learned that he is against their marriage, Masha intelligently denies Peter. She knew that Grinev's father would not forgive his son's marriage to the captain's daughter. Her love is absolutely unselfish, this is the whole meaning of the title of the story. The Captain's daughter is true to her principles and beliefs.

But one day, after the threats of Shvabrin, Masha in a letter asks Peter for help, and he takes it from Shvabrin's hands to his parents.

Courage of Maria Mironova

Once Masha decided to save her beloved,who was brought to trial. She went to the unfamiliar city of St. Petersburg, where she met with Catherine II herself. Maria Ivanovna not only tried to justify Peter, but she ventured to contradict the Empress. Maria was able to prove to the queen the innocence of Grinev, and he was released. Pushkin tried to show the best features of Russian women. This ability is right and strong love, to defend the truth, to be fair. Such a character can not be left in the background, this is the whole meaning of the title of the story "The Captain's Daughter".

Life after difficulties

captain's story

After Masha, without shaking, withstoodall trials, fate gave her a quiet and peaceful life. Together with her husband Maria Grineva lives with his parents. They are very attached to Masha and love her as sincerely as they would have loved their own daughter. Parents of Peter fell in love with Masha for reason, endurance, sincerity and strength of mind. And, of course, the main advantage of her was the love of Peter.

What is the meaning of the story "The Captain's Daughter"

The meaning of this story - to collect and implement inlife is the best character traits of Russian women. Show that purity, morality and honesty should be the main qualities of a young girl. This work reveals the belief in the person, his feelings and their value, and also in all ages the popular nobility! Alexander Sergeyevich combined all these qualities and embodied them in a simple girl - the daughter of Captain Mironov.

Why the story is called "The Captain's Daughter"the reader can only guess, because it is the author who has the honor to call his work. We can only be sure that Masha Mironova is worthy to be named after her story.

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