The most delicious potato casserole

Today I will tell you about how deliciouscasserole potato, several recipes which I offer to your attention. This is very easy to prepare a dish does not take you much time, and the products do not have much to spend. In general, let's get down to business right away.

Baked potato with chicken eggs

Based on 5 potatoes:

- three onions,

- one hundred and fifty grams of fresh milk,

- two eggs,

- salt.

Peel potatoes, wash well under running waterwater. Slice it with rings and lay it on a baking tray, which must be oiled with vegetable oil. On top of the potatoes, put the onions cut into rings. Whisk eggs in the bowl, add salt, pour in the milk. Pour the mixture into a potato. Bake the casserole in a preheated oven for about thirty minutes.

Potato casserole with apples

Have you ever had to cook potatoes with apples? Then be sure to try, it turns out unusually delicious.

Take 2 apples, 2 large potatoes, and a half cup of cream, on the tip of the knife is nutmeg, salt, seasonings, sugar.

Apples and potatoes clean, wash. Cut potatoes into mugs, but apples - slices. Add the cream of nutmeg, sugar, salt. Bring to a boil, let it boil a little.

The form in which the casserole will be bakedpotato with apples, oil with oil (preferably creamy). Lay the fruit first, then the potatoes. All this pour hot cream, top with breadcrumbs. Cover with foil and bake until a ruddy crust appears.

Potato casserole with mushrooms

Another delicious way to bake potatoes. for this you need:

- five hundred grams of potatoes,

- three onions,

- fifty grams of milk,

- four hundred grams of mushrooms,

- two eggs.

Put the mushrooms in a frying pan and fry. Chop the onion and add to the mushrooms. To mushrooms were more succulent, add to them after cooking a tablespoon of sour cream. Necessarily mushrooms pepper, salt, add your favorite spices.

Peel the potatoes and boil them, then cook the mashed potatoes with milk.

Lubricate the form with vegetable oil and lay onthe bottom of one part of the potato, properly level, then put the stuffing, and on it - the remainder of the potato. Layer the last layer with eggs whipped. Put the casserole in the oven and cook for about twenty minutes.

Casserole with meat

For such casseroles it is required:

- a half kilo of potatoes,

- one egg,

- fifty grams of fresh milk,

- mayonnaise,

- four hundred grams of meat,

- Three onions.

A piece of meat (better take pork, it's fatter)boil in slightly salted water, cool and pass through a meat grinder. Onion finely chop, you can pass it through a meat grinder. Mix it with meat, add a little dill to the resulting stuffing.

Cook the mashed potatoes. Then divide it into two parts. Take a shape with deep edges and a thick bottom. Lubricate with vegetable oil, lay half of the potatoes, then mince, top - the rest of the potatoes. To make mincemeat more juicy, it can be greased with mayonnaise. The last layer of potatoes should also be greased with mayonnaise.

The best baking temperature is 150 ° C. With her, our potatoes will be cooked for about thirty minutes.

Casserole from potatoes - tips for cooking

When preparing mashed potatoes, never add cold milk to potatoes. Do not be too lazy to warm it up, because in this case you will avoid changing the color of the potatoes.

· Take only fresh products (cheese, milk, eggs, mayonnaise) so as not to spoil the taste of the casserole.

· To make the casserole with the potatoes more delicious, be sure to add spices to it, not just pepper and salt.

· And the last: watch the cooking time. Otherwise, your casserole can burn, and will not be so delicious. Enjoy your appetite in good company!

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