Instrumental survey of buildings

Instrumental survey of structures, as well asbuilding structures is made in case of need to obtain the most accurate objective data on the reliability of individual load-bearing elements. Along with this, methods of instrumental survey can be used in the order of preventive planned assessment of the condition of structures.

For what purpose do buildings survey?

instrumental examination

Instrumental survey of buildings most oftenIt is performed when there is a need to assess the technical condition of the building or its individual parts for further reconstruction or major repairs. The goal of such activities may be the need for general monitoring of the condition of the structure with visual fixation of deformation or damage to individual structures.

The reason for the performance of instrumentalInspections are sometimes the need to assess buildings that are in an emergency, dilapidated or limited working condition. This, in turn, provides an opportunity to formulate ideas about a set of measures that allows to extend the service life of structures.

In what cases do you perform a visual-instrumental examination?

tool maintenance of buildings
Technical visual and instrumental assessment of the condition of structures and structures is carried out by:

  • at the expiry of the service life of buildings provided for in regulatory enactments;
  • in the event of significant damage, destruction, structural defects in the operation of facilities;
  • after the impact on the construction of natural disasters, fires, disasters;
  • in case of receipt of such an initiative from the owner of the facility;
  • when changing the technological purpose of the building;
  • according to the requirements of construction supervision.

What kind of work can be done during the instrumental survey?

Instrumental survey of structures assumes:

  1. Expert evaluation of foundation beams, grillage, foundation as a whole.
  2. Technical expertise of building envelopes: pillars, walls, columns.
  3. Inspection of the condition of coatings, beams, arches, overlappings, slabs, girders.
  4. Examination of the state of joints, knots, joints, connected elements, parts, which are responsible for the stability of frameworks.
  5. Engineering-geological, estimate, design works.

The order and the progress of the instrumental survey

instrumental methods of examination
Instrumental survey methods suggestcarrying out works to assess the condition of buildings and structures in several consecutive stages. For the beginning all necessary measurements of geometrical parameters and actual sizes of building structures are carried out. After that, the distances between the defining nodal elements of the structures are measured, the parameters of the sections and spans are refined, the degree of verticality of the supports is estimated, the actual height of the rooms is measured.

At the end of the above eventsthe defects found during the research are fixed. The plans and pictures are included in the technical conclusion. According to the detected damages and defects, a special sheet is compiled. As a result, on the basis of the technical condition sheet of the structure, a final conclusion is formed.

Methods of instrumental examination

To assess the condition of structures, several instrumental methods can be used:

  1. Nondestructive - involves the use of specialized equipment: ultrasonic testers, a Schmidt hammer, a sclerometer, tools for tearing off specimens with shearing.
  2. Laboratory instrumental methods of examination - sampling with their subsequent research in the laboratory.

Requirements for conducting an instrumental survey

Assess the condition of buildings and structuresshould be exclusively prepared by the personnel of specialized organizations that have sufficient material and technical resources to perform such work.

laboratory instrumental methods of examination

The first instrumental survey is carried out after two years after the facility is put into operation. Further surveys of this nature can be carried out about once per decade.

The obtained results must necessarily include a whole complex of objective data sufficient for making a decision about the subsequent operation of the facility.

Formation of technical opinion

The technical conclusion is the most importantan effective element of instrumental research. It should contain a brief description of the surveyed object, the results of the evaluation of structures, defective lists with a list of identified deviations and damages.

visual instrumental examination

Instrumental examination suggeststhe creation of a technical report, which includes all the results of studies of samples in the laboratory, the assessment of the bearing capacity of individual structures, foundations, and soils.

Data from the technical conclusion allowinitiator of the instrumental survey to select the optimal modes of safe operation of the facility. Based on the conclusion, you can create a work plan, the implementation of which will prevent the emergence of emergencies, disasters, collapse.

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