Lobelia is ampel. Growing from a seed to a plant

Among the huge number of annuals, the gentle air beauty of lobelia occupies a special place. This blue-eyed plant will decorate any garden, gazebo or balcony.

lobelia ampel cultivation
It is famous for its unusual color andabundant long flowering. A lot of small flowers of blue shades - lilac, blue, dark blue, blue, purple - form whole air caps. There are even red and white varieties of lobelia. Her flowers are somewhat like geranium flowers in miniature - the same range of colors.

Lobelia withstands ampel cultivation in anyconditions. Cascades of flowering plants look good in both hanging baskets and pots. They are ideal for decorating balconies from the outside, if you plant them in long pots. Ideal lobelia as a ground cover plant on an alpine hill. Its lush flowering looks great on flowerbeds, workboys, along curbs.

But here in order for this beautiful gentlethe plant adorned everything around, you need to work a little, because growing seedlings is not very simple. And although today in the market or in a flower shop lobelia is always sold ampel, growing it with your own hands is much more interesting.

Breeding lobelia begins with the harvesting of seeds. Here it is better to trust professionals and buy them in the branded stores of proven horticultural organizations. The whole problem is that the seeds of lobelia are very, very small, and it is quite difficult to assemble them. Yes, and when planting you need some knowledge to get strong and quality seedlings.

lobelia growing ampel

To achieve that already in June bloomedLobelia is ampel, it should be grown in late January-early February. Seeds should be sown on a wet disinfected ground as sparingly as possible and not sprinkled with earth, as they germinate only in sunlight. A container with sprinkled seeds should be covered with a film or glass and put in a warm, well-lit place. In doing so, do not forget to regularly ventilate, so as not to form mold.

It is not recommended to remove the film from the containerimmediately after emergence, it is necessary to do this gradually. By the way, weak and tender sprouts appearing in 10-15 days develop very slowly.

The patient loves lobelia growing. Ampel lobelia, as, indeed, its other species, is susceptible to many diseases at an early age. Therefore, young shoots should be watered with a light pink, a weak solution of potassium permanganate and constantly monitor to ensure that the earthen does not dry out.

seeds of lobelia

In order to get krepenkie bushes,we must pick up the plant. The most suitable time for this is the formation of the first pair of these leaflets. Alternatively, ready-made peat tablets can be used to grow lobelia. Then the plant will not need to dive, and the whole bunch can be immediately planted in the ground. The best conditions for the further development of seedlings are a light cool window sill. If there is not enough light (this is often in the winter, if the plant is on the northern window, then a backlight is needed.) In case of a lack of lighting, the shoots of the lobelia are instantly stretched.

The water regime is another problem. With an overabundance of moisture, weak growths are covered with mold, when the earthen coma is overdrying, the leaves instantly twist into a tube.

If you are not inclined to mess around with the plant, andtoo much time consumes ampel lobelia, growing from seeds by oneself can be replaced by buying ready-made seedlings. Then it will be enough just to plant flowers in a container and water. And, of course, admire the inflorescences until late autumn.

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