The ways to combat slugs in the garden

Slugs are a variety of gastropods,which in the course of evolution lost shells. Their body is a solid sole, capable of modifying its shape. Moving the animal by contracting the muscles. The sensory organs are located on the head and are represented by tentacles. The cutaneous epithelium produces a mucus every second, which prevents the drying of the cover, accelerates movement and, in some cases, frightens off enemies.

struggle with slugs in the garden

In nature there are more than a hundred varietiesmollusks, all of them are representatives of one of three families: Onchidiacea, Soleolifera or Sigmurethra. There are slugs terrestrial, which cause considerable damage to agricultural lands.

Ideal environment for slug is a dark place withhigh humidity. They multiply at a temperature of 14 to 18 degrees Celsius. Warm rainy autumn, which was preceded by a hot, humid summer, reproduction is more intense.

On a vegetable garden or a private plot from an invasionshellfish can suffer: strawberries, strawberries, greenhouse plants (Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers), fruit trees, various kinds of cabbage, fresh herbs, sprout shoots.

Methods of pest control

struggle with slugs in the garden area folk

The fight against slugs in the garden area can be carried out by physical, chemical, mechanical and natural methods.

To resort to the use of chemical drugs is the last resort. In this case, it will not be possible to preserve the ecological purity of plants.

Let's consider each of the described methods in more detail.

Physical Methods

struggle with slugs in a garden plot by folk remedies

Manual collection is considered one of the mosteffective. Collect snails, putting their hands in gloves, it is better right after the rain. At this time they show maximum activity and leave their hiding places. Most truck farmers, after encountering a sticky pest, transfer it through the fence. Such measures will not help reduce its size. To increase the effectiveness of the way to combat slugs in the garden area, they need to sprinkle with salt. The pinch that has fallen on the sole is enough for killing.

Get rid of annoying neighbors in the gardenwill help systematic mowing of grass, as well as a survey of potential animal shelters, where they hide in droughty weather. For example, if large plants such as globular thuja or Cossack juniper grow on the plot, the crown of which forms a special microclimate under them, inspect the territory for creeping pests twice a week. Snails willingly use such places for shelter. Large quantities of zucchini can be an advantageous alternative.

Effective way to combat slugs ongarden of folk remedies will be dressing poultry animals to carry out such manipulations are not recommended due to the risk of infestation.

Mechanical methods

struggle with slugs in the garden plot ways

To get rid of flower gardens and garden crops frominvasion of snails, you can create artificial barriers. It is known that pests do not like to crawl through porous materials - crushed shell rock, fine gravel. Another effective way - the use of all kinds of baits, such as tanks with sweet juice or beer. As part of the fight against slugs in the garden, baits are buried at ground level. Replace them with a bunch of grass, soaked in one of the above solutions. Lures should be systematically viewed, and accumulated mollusks - destroyed.

Additional features and activities:

  1. Finished gutters placed along the perimeter of the beds, circles filled with water, the pest will not move through the water.
  2. Shedding the beds along the perimeter with lime or wood ash.
  3. Small gravel, eggshell, broken shell for sprinkling the terrain next to cultivated plants. Sharp tips will prick the abdomen and the animal will not overcome the barrier.
  4. Barriers from wire connected to batteries. The discharge of electric current will frighten the mollusk, and it will recede.

Chemical method

The fight against slugs in the garden plot of chemistryis carried out using the drug "Storm" ("Meta"). At the heart of a granular blue-colored agent, the active substance is metaldehyde and others, attracting the animal. The action of the drug is contact-intestinal, the death of snails will be almost instantaneous. Has a medium-toxic properties for warm-blooded. "Thunder" is poured in a uniform thin layer at a rate of 15 grams per 5 square meters. The tool is expensive, its use in large areas will cost a round sum. To save money, it is recommended to use it to preserve the most valuable representatives of the flora.

According to experts about the fight against slugs ongarden plot, the effectiveness of the agent is sharply reduced after the rain. If precipitation is planned in the near future, it should not be used. A more democratic way to combat snails is by spraying on the infected areas of a solution of hydrated lime.

Biological methods

struggle against slugs in a garden plot in autumn

A great opportunity to say goodbye to slugs -to attract animals and birds feeding on the gastropods into the garden. An irreplaceable assistant in the fight against slugs in the garden plot in the autumn - a hedgehog. A small dark lump with a prickly back is a habitue of household plots and often settles on them. To lure him, it is enough to leave a saucer with milk in a secluded place and cover with branches.

Involve in their territory lizards, which alsoprefer to eat snails, you can, erecting a hill from a pile of stones of different sizes in a sunny place. In the list of lovers of crawling food, you can safely include thrushes and starlings. The garden beetle deserves special attention. She hunts leafgrasses - one of the most dangerous representatives of the species, capable of destroying the harvest of fruits and vegetables in a matter of days.

To safe, affordable and efficient waysThe control of slugs in the garden area includes the planting of special plants that repel pests. They do not tolerate the smell of garlic, so a spicy product is planted between the beds of plants that eat the gastropods. Here you can add parsley, sage, bay leaf, lavender. Dried nettles and pine needles are effective as mulch.

Vinegar against Slugs

Owners of vegetable gardens who do not want to take risksthe ecological purity of their crops and the use of chemicals, can use folk remedies to combat slugs in the garden. Vinegar is considered one of the most effective substances. Cereal cider vinegar will cope with creeping pests. To prepare a lethal solution will require 65 ml of vinegar in a 9% concentration and 10 liters of water. The mixture is sprayed with a leafy part of the plants and watered by accumulations of gastropods. During treatment, it is important to ensure that the solution does not penetrate the root system. The fight against slugs in the garden area with vinegar should be done at regular intervals. Abuse of acid can damage plants.

Mustard quickly and effectively rid the site of snails

struggle with slugs in the garden plot vinegar

Mustard powder for representatives of florais absolutely harmless, which can not be said about crawling creatures, leaving behind a characteristic shiny traces. There are several variants of using spicy powder. The simplest is to sprinkle dry soil powder around the bushes. More complex, and therefore more effective, is spraying with a solution. For its preparation in 5 liters of cool water, it is necessary to dilute 100 grams of powder and allow to infuse for several hours. Optimal time to fight slugs in the garden area mustard - sunset in dry, windless weather. To forget about the mollusks at least until the next summer season, three treatments are sufficient with an interval of 4 days.

Decoction of hot pepper

Red pepper is known for its baking properties. Getting on the mucous animal, it begins its pernicious effect in a matter of seconds. Sensing the pungent smell of plants, pests instantly leave the danger zone. For the beginning of a pod of a pod it is necessary to relieve of seeds, to crush and dry up. Half a kilogram of dry ingredient pour 10 liters of water, hold for 48 hours, bring to a boil, stand for another 48 hours. The broth can be cooked for several uses and stored in a warm place for two to three weeks. Spray can be any kind of garden and garden plants. Experts recommend joining the slugs in the garden area with red pepper until the flowering phase. In a seven-liter bucket of water, enough to pour a half-liter of broth and a half-glass of liquid detergent. Consistency carefully mix and process the plants from the sprayer. You can repeat the exercise even after flowering, then the solution becomes weaker. The concentration of soap and decoction of pepper is halved.

Beer - fast and economical way

struggle with slugs in the garden with red pepper

The smell of a drink is especially attractivesnails. Near the plants, actively eaten by pests, in the ground are digging in tanks (a glass jar, a plastic glass, a bottle with a wide throat) so that the edges of the walls protrude 2-3 centimeters above the ground. Tara is filled with beer for 60-70% and, if possible, is equipped with protection against domestic animals and unforeseen pollution. Replace the foam in the tank at least every 3 days before the pests completely disappear from the site.


Mulching beds with a large layer of needles -Effective method against gastropods. Long prickly needles will interfere with the mollusc during movement, and a rich smell will scare away. A pleasant bonus will be the overgrown needles - one of the best organic fertilizers.

If there are no coniferous trees nearby, the leaves of tobacco or oak, as well as dry sawdust, are suitable for mulching beds.

Prevention of the appearance of garden slugs

The conduct of rational gardening is one of thebasic conditions in this case. To prevent the occurrence of mollusks in the garden, it is necessary to introduce technologies that promote yields, improve the structure of the soil, and correctly select seedlings. In the garden, all work must be done in a timely manner, and you can not do without maintaining hygiene at the site, attracting natural enemies of pests.

Creating uncomfortable conditions forlife slugs. When digging up the land, you must destroy the egg laying, systematically update the layer of mulch, clean up the stones, boards and other unnecessary items on the plot.

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